HP Designjet T1120 SD-MFP
Assembly Instructions
© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Company
Inkjet Commercial Division
Avenida Graells 501 · 08174
Sant Cugat del Vallès
Barcelona · Spain
All rights reserved
Printed in Germany Imprimé en Allemagne Stampato in Germania
Your printer should already be assembled
and working before starting this proce-
dure. For instructions on how to assemble
the printer, please refer to the assembly
poster included with the printer.
Read these instructions carefully...
What you will need for this procedure:
Because the scanner is heavy, you will
need two people to unpack and set it up.
When two people are needed, the symbol
at the foot of this box is displayed.
Assembly poster
You are required to clean the scan area
glass plate during the assembly procedure:
To do so you will need clean lint free
cloths and a mild, streak-free glass cleaner.
These are not provided with the scanner.
Take the other foot from the box. Align
the foot with the other leg on the leg
structure, making sure it is in its correct
position and angle. Insert the leg
structure’s guiding-peg into the middle
Fasten the foot using 4 M5x14 screws.
Insert all 4 screws loosely and then tighten
using the Torx screwdriver.
Place the leg structure upright. Be sure
that all four wheels are locked.
Using 2 people; take the Top Tray from
the box. Position the Top Tray on the leg
structure with the rounded edge facing
the back and its flat edge facing the
front. Insert the tray’s bottom mounts into
the 2 leg tops.
Flat edge
facing the
Rounded edge
facing the
Using 2 people; lift the scanner from the
Make sure you have fully removed the
Fix the scanner to the Top Tray with the 4
Fasten the Top Tray using 4 M5x14
screws: insert 2 screws loosely on each
leg, when all 4 screws are in place,
tighten with the Torx screwdriver.
10top of the box. Remove the Maintenance
12Torx M5x25 scanner fixing screws. Insert
box and place it on the Top Tray. Align
the scanner’s 4 rubber feet so they rest
sheet (required later), and packing
the screws through the holes in the bot-
tom of the tray and screw them into the
scanner’s rubber feet using the Allen key.
in the Top Tray’s sink holes (a). Remove
the 2 protective foam pieces from the
touch-screen (b).
Sink hole
Allen key
For its protection, the scanner’s touch-
screen is shipped folded down in its
“transportation” position, and needs to
be lifted up and locked in its “ready”
position. Grasp the top edge of the
screen with one hand.
Pull the touch-screen back towards you
until you hear the click that indicates it
is locked in its upright “ready“ position.
Attach the stylus to the touch-screen.
Cleaning the scan area...
You are now required to clean the scan
area - glass plate. To do so you will
need clean lint free cloths and a mild,
streak-free glass cleaner. These are not
provided with the scanner.
Caution: do not use abrasives, acetone,
benzene, or fluids that contain these
chemicals. Do not spray liquids directly
onto the scanner glass plate or anywhere
else in the scanner.
Apply a mild, streak-free glass cleaner to
To access the scan area, you need to
There are 2 lid release buttons at the
Retain pressure on the lid release buttons
17open the scanner lid. Push the touch
18back of the scanner. Simultaneously
19 and your grip on the lid edge, and pull
20 a lint-free cloth, such as the one supplied
with your scanner, and gently clean the
glass surface. The surface must be very
clean; any dirt will appear on a print.
screen so it twists backwards on its arm
until it rests in its “service” position.
press the buttons inwards with your
fingers until you feel them unlock.
the lid backwards towards your body.
Open the scanner lid all the way back.
Surface must be very
clean; any dirt will ap-
pear on a print!
Attach the USB cable to the scanner.
Dry the glass fully using a separate
Close the scanner lid and gently push it
Pull the touch-screen back down to the
21clean, dry lint-free cloth.
22 down to lock it into place.
23 “ready” position.
Slide the assembled printer under the
scanner. The printer’s feet will be posi-
tioned outside the scanner’s feet.
Insert the clips under the Top Tray to
Screw the stoppers into the holes on the
Attach the maintenance sheet hang
hooks on the stoppers. Note: This is
where the maintenance sheet is stored
when not in use. It is connected to the
hang hooks with velcro.
25 mount the USB cable where shown
26 stand leg structure.
below. Mount the cable and let the end
hang from the last clip. The cable will be
connected to the printer in a later step.
Let the end hang from the last clip
Feed the LAN cable through the leg:
loosen the bottom screw on each hole’s
cover, rotate the cover open to expose
the hole (a). Insert the free end of the
LAN cable in the top hole (b) and pull it
out of the bottom hole (c). Leave enough
slack in the cable to be able to pull out
the printer when changing paper.
Your HP Designjet T1120 scanner is now
Connect the printer to the scanner with
Connect the printer’s LAN cable to the
printer. Note: only 1 LAN cable is sup-
plied with the scanner; you will need a
separate one for the printer.
29 assembled, and should appear as in the
30 the USB cable. Adjust the cable to leave
below illustration.
enough slack to be able to pull out the
printer when changing paper.
Slack for pulling
out when changing
Connect the printer’s power cable to a
power outlet (a) and switch the printer
on (b).
Plug the LAN cable into a connection
33 socket.
Connect the printer’s power cable to the
Feed the power cable through the leg:
Insert the end of the cable into the top
hole (a) and pull it out of the bottom
hole (b). Leave enough slack in the cable
to be able to pull out the printer when
changing paper. Push the hole covers
back down and tighten the screws (c).
Connect the power extension cable’s
40 plug end to the scanner.
Connect the scanner’s LAN cable to the
Feed the LAN cable through the leg:
Plug the LAN cable into a connection
38 loosen the bottom screw on each hole’s
cover, and rotate the cover open to
expose the hole (a). Insert the free end
of the LAN cable in the top hole (b) and
pull it out of the bottom hole (c).
Feed the power extension cable through
Your scanner screen will flash on and
Connect the scanner power cable to the
Connect the scanner power cable to a
power outlet (a) and switch the scanner
on (b).
41the leg: Insert the end of the cable in the
42 scanner power extension cable.
44 take you through your system’s installa-
top hole (a) and pull it out of the bottom
hole (b). Push the hole covers back down
and tighten the screws (c).
tion steps. You start by calibrating the
screen. Touch the arrows at each corner
as they appear. Touch the middle dialog
to control and end the screen calibration.
Accept the licence agreement.
Set your local date and time. The time
zone for your area and daylight period
is set in relation to GMT.
Enter your network settings to join your
system with your local network. Select
the DHCP option for automatic setup
(on DHCP server networks) or enter the
correct IP data manually.
Select the language for the software
45 interface.
For any further information on how to use
your scanner, see the online help
available from your touch screen.
Press the Test Connection button to
verify your entries. Press OK when done.
Repeat the steps 49 and 50 if you want
to enter additional destinations.
NOTE: If you will only scan to USB,
press the cancel button to skip this step.
You can create additional destinations
later on.
Your system now has all the information
it needs and will start up in the Copy
Define one or more initial destinations
49 for scanned files (accessible folders on
the network): Press the Add button to
define a destination. Enter a label, the
full network path to the folder and login
information. Check ‘Remember’ if the
password should be stored after power
You will find these instructions useful
53 again if you setup and install the system
at another location.
Keep these instructions
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