GDZ22-1 manual 10/22/01 11:45 AM Page 1
User Manual-
Model #
Guide de l’Utilisateur-
Manual del Usuario-
Para Modelo de
GDZ22-1 manual 10/22/01 11:45 AM Page 3
16. This dryer must be properly installed in accordance with the
installation instructions before it is used. See grounding instructions
in the installation section.
17. Proper grounding must be ensured to reduce the risk of electric shock
and fire. Check with a qualified electrician or service personnel if you
are in doubt as to whether the dryer is properly grounded.
18. Use the dryer only for its intended purpose, drying clothes.
19. Always disconnect dryer from electrical supply before attempting any
service. Disconnect power cord by grasping the plug, not the cord.
20. Replace worn power cords and/ or loose plugs.
21. To reduce the risk of electric shock or fire, do not use extension cords or
adapters to connect dryer to electrical power source.
For Future Use
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Risk o f ch ild e n tra p m e n t. Be fo re y o u th ro w a w a y y o u r o ld
d ry e r, ta k e o ff th e d o o r so th a t ch ild re n m a y
n o t e a sily g e t tra p p e d in sid e .
Thank you for using our Haier
product. This easy-to-use manual will
guide you in getting the best use of
Model number
your dryer.
Serial number
Remember to record the model and
serial number. They are on a label in
back of the dryer.
Date of purchase
Staple your receipt to your manual. Yo u w ill n e e d it to o b ta in
w a rra n ty se rvice .
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Table Of Contents
Sa fe ty In stru ctio n s ............................................................................1
O PERATIN G IN STRUCTIO N S............................................................5
Features ................................................................................................5
Other Features ......................................................................................7
Operations ............................................................................................8
Normal Operating Sounds......................................................................9
Tips ......................................................................................................9
Ca re a n d Cle a n in g Gu id e ............................................................1 0
Tro u b le sh o o tin g ..............................................................................1 1
IN STALLATIO N IN STRUCTIO N S ....................................................1 2
Tools and Materials Required................................................................1 2
Electrical Requirements ........................................................................1 2
Unpacking Your Dryer..........................................................................1 2
Ex h a u st Sy ste m Co n n e ctio n s ......................................................1 3
Requirements and Instructions ..............................................................1 3
Materials ............................................................................................1 4
Location of Your Dryer..........................................................................1 6
Installation in Mobile Home ..................................................................1 7
Ele ctrica l Co n n e ctio n s ....................................................................1 8
Requirements and Instructions ..............................................................1 8
3-Wire Cord Connections ....................................................................1 9
4-Wire Cord Connections ....................................................................2 0
Wa rra n ty ........................................................................................2 2
GDZ22-1 manual 10/22/01 11:45 AM Page 6
WARN IN G: To reduce the risk of of fire, electric shock or injury to persons, read
the IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS before operating this dryer.
Fe a tu re s
Co n tro l Kn o b :
1. Dry Timer: Lets you set the time to dry your clothes, depending on the
fabric type and depending on the load size. This is designed for you to
set the number of minutes needed to dry the clothes. This cycle provides
up to 100 minutes of drying time at the temperature selection of your
choice. Drying time varies depending on size and dampness of the
load, weight and fabric type. Room temperature, humidity, type of
installation and electric voltage can also affect drying time.
2. Auto Dry: Lets you set the dryer to a preset dry cycle. This is designed
for the casual cottons. E.g. Jeans, etc. This cycle is best for regular and
permanent press items that can be tumble-dried. Drying time is
determined automatically at the temperature selection of your choice.
Here the cycle works better when items of similar fabric, weight and
construction are dried together.
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Te m p e ra tu re Kn o b :
Temperature Setting Control: To set the heat drying temperature, of the
dryer load, depending on the fabric type.
• Low Heat: for knitted and delicate clothes.
• Med. Heat: for permanent press, synthetic clothes.
• High Heat: for regular clothes.
Always follow directions on fabric care labels.To avoid fire do not use
heat to dry items containing feathers, foam rubber or similar textured
rubber-like material.
Sta rt Kn o b :
Start Button / Power On: Push Start button for 2 seconds to power on the
Dryer after loading. Unit will automatically stop once the dryer door is
opened. The start button must be once again pushed to resume operation
once the door is closed.
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O th e r Fe a tu re s
Your dryer also has the following features for your convenience:
Dry Se n so r: (feature only active in auto dry cycle)
• This senses the dampness in the clothes. The dryer will automatically
shut itself off once it senses that the clothes are dry.
En d o f Cy cle Sig n a l:
• Your dryer is equipped with an audible signal that will alert you every
time the dryer load is finished drying.
Lin t Filte r:
• All dryers come with a lint filter that needs to be cleaned before or after
every use (read “Care and Cleaning Guide” Section).
Le ve lin g Le g s:
• Your dryer has four leveling legs which are located in the front and rear
corners of your dryer. After properly placing your dryer in its final
position, you can level your dryer.
• Leveling legs can be adjusted by turning them clockwise to raise your
dryer or by turning them counterclockwise to lower your dryer.
Re ve rsib le Do o r:
Your dryer is designed so the door swing may be reversed at any time
without additional parts. Conversion is accomplished by transferring
hinges to the opposite side of the cabinet.
1. Open the dryer door.
Remove the four hinge hole
plugs from the left side of
the door opening.
2. Remove the four screws
that secure the door hinges
to the dryer.
3. Rotate the door 180˚ and
reinstall the door hinges to
the dryer front panel with
the four screws.
4. Install the four hinge hole
plugs in the open screw
holes on the right side of
the door opening.
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O p e ra tio n s
1. Sort clothes for drying. Separate dark and light colored items, like you
do for washing. Check for stains that may not have been removed in
washing. Dryer heat may permanently set some stains. Properly dried
clothes will need minimum of care when removed from dryer.
2. Load up dryer with washed clothes. For optimum results, use dryer load
of similar fabric, weight and construction. Place small items in a mesh
bag to prevent from tangling. Do not overload the dryer. An average
load will fill up half the drum. Add fabric softener sheet if desired.
3. Select the drying temperature depending on the fabric type. Refer to
fabric care label directions before selecting the temperature.
4. Select the drying time depending on the fabric type and the load size.
5. Push the start button to start the drying cycle.
6. Wait for drying cycle to finish before opening the dryer door.
A buzzer will ring when the cycle is complete.
7. Clean the lint filter after every load and before each use. A clean filter
ensures sufficient drying. A layer of lint on the filter reduces airflow
through the clothes and prolongs drying time.
N o te : Do not over dry clothes. Over drying can cause shrinkage,
harshness and wrinkling of the fabric.
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N o rm a l O p e ra tin g So u n d s
Following sounds are normally heard during the operation of the dryer.
• Tumbling sounds: This is normal as the heavy wet clothes in the dryer
are continuously being tossed around.
• Air rushing noise: This happens as the dryer drum spins at very high
RPM and the air is rushing through the dryer drum.
• Timer clicks may be heard.
Tip s
• For best drying results, clean the lint filter before and after every use.
• Do not overload the dryer.
• Balance the dryer load, evenly throughout the dryer for the best results.
• Drying time depends on many variables: load size, type of fabric and
moisture in it, heat and moisture in the room, electric voltage, length of
the exhaust duct, etc.
• To eliminate guessing and conserve energy, we recommend for certain
clothes to choose an Auto Drying setting.
• Always follow the fabric care instructions supplied by the garment man-
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Care and Cleaning Guide
• Lint filter needs to be cleaned before and after each use for your unit to
operate at optimum efficiency. The filter can be slid out, by pulling on
the tab located on the inside of the dryer door. The filter may be
washed or vacuumed. Remove the excess water from the filter by
gently shaking the filter. This will remove dust and particles trapped in
the filter. Lint build-up in screen restricts airflow, which causes longer
drying times. After cleaning, slide the filter back in place. DO N O T
lint filter
• Do not use any type of spray cleaner when cleaning the interior.
Hazardous fumes or electric shock could occur. If dryer drum becomes
stained, clean the drum with a damp cloth. Remove any residue before
drying the next load.
• Clean cabinet with mild soap and water. Do not use harsh or abrasive
cleaners, this could damage the dryer.
• Clean the duct and the vent on a regular basis to avoid clogging which
could affect the efficiency of the dryer.
1 0
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Dry e r d o e s n o t o p e ra te :
• Check if unit is plugged in. The plug may have come loose.
• Check if the electrical wall receptacle is of proper voltage.
• Check if the circuit breaker needs to be reset or if the fuse
needs to be replaced.
• Check if the unit is in “Off” mode. Press Start button again.
• Check if door is open.
Dry e r is w o rk in g b u t n o t d ry in g th e clo th e s:
• Unit may be over loaded. The dryer drum should only be half full.
• Check exhaust ducts and vent. Vent should be free of all obstructions.
• Duct should be lint and dust free. Ducts should be cleaned regularly.
• Dryer load needs to be resorted. Heavy clothes may need to
be separated from regular clothes.
• Bulky clothes may require repositioning.
• If clothes dry unevenly a higher dry setting may be required or
clothes in the dryer may need to be resorted.
Dry e r m a k in g n o ise w h e n d ry in g :
• Coins, loose change, buttons and other heavy objects could make noise.
• Dryer may need to be leveled evenly.
Read Operating Guide – Normal Operating Sounds.
Sta tic:
• Caused by over drying. Adjust for shorter drying time.
• Mixed with synthetic fabric. Sort and separate different fabrics.
• Use a fabric softener.
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Select a suitable location for the dryer on a hard even surface away from direct
sunlight or heat source e.g. radiators, baseboard heaters, cooking appliances etc.
Any floor unevenness should be corrected with the leveling legs located on the
bottom of the dryer.
To o ls a n d Ma te ria ls Re q u ire d
• Phillips head and flathead screwdrivers
• Channel-lock adjustable pliers
• 1/ 2 inch open end wrench
• Carpenter’s level
• Measuring tape (12ft. min.)
• Duct tape
• Rigid or flexible metal 4 inch (10.2 cm) duct
• Vent hood
Ele ctrica l Re q u ire m e n ts
Po w e r Su p p ly :
3 or 4 wire, 240 Volt, 30 Amp, 60Hz, 1 Phase
Po w e r Su p p ly Co rd Kit: (not supplied when sold in the United States)
The dryer MUST employ a 3-conductor power supply cord NEMA 10-30
type SRDT rated at 240 Volt AC minimum, 30 Amp., with 3 open end
spade lug connectors with upturned ends or closed loop connectors and
marked for use with clothes dryers. If being installed in a manufactured
(mobile) home, the dryer MUST employ a 4-conductor power supply cord
NEMA 14-30 type SRDT or ST (as required) rated at 240 Volt AC
minimum, 30 Amp., with 4 open end spade lug connectors with
upturned ends or closed loop connectors and marked for use with clothes
dryers. See Electrical Connections for A 4-Wire System.
Un p a ck in g Yo u r Dry e r
1. Remove all packaging material. This includes the foam base and all
adhesive tape holding the dryer accessories inside and outside.
2. Inspect and remove any remains of packaging, tape or printed
materials before using the dryer.
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Exhaust System Connections
Re q u ire m e n ts a n d In stru ctio n s
1. Do not use plastic flexible duct to exhaust the dryer. Excessive lint can build up
inside exhaust system and create a fire hazard and restrict air flow. Restricted air
flow will increase dryer times. If your present system is made up of plastic duct or
metal foil duct, replace it with a rigid or flexible metal duct. Ensure present duct
is free of any lint prior to installing dryer duct.
2. If the dryer is not exhausted out doors, some fine lint will be expelled
into the laundry area. An accumulation of lint in any area of the home can
create a health and fire hazard. To reduce risk of fire, dryer MUST BE
3. Do not allow combustible material (for example: clothing,
draperies/ curtains, paper) to come in contact with exhaust system. The dryer
must not be exhausted into a chimney, a wall, a ceiling, or any concealed space
of a building which can accumulate lint, resulting in a fire hazard.
4. Exceeding the length of duct pipe or number of elbows allowed in
the “Maximum Length” charts can cause an accumulation of lint in
the exhaust system. Plugging the system could create a fire hazard,
as well as increase drying times.
5. Do not screen the exhaust ends of the vent system, nor use any screws
or rivets to assemble the exhaust system. Lint can become caught in the screen,
on the screws or rivets, clogging the duct work and creating a fire hazard as well
as increasing drying times. Use an approved vent hood to terminate the duct out-
doors, and seal all joints with duct tape. All male duct pipe fittings must be
installed downstream with the flow of air.
Ex p lo sio n h a za rd :
Do not install the dryer where gasoline or other flammables are kept or stored.
If the dryer is installed in a garage, it must be minimum of 18 inches (45.7 cm)
above the floor. Failure to do so can result in death, explosion, fire or burns.
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Ma te ria ls
Use only 4 inch (10.2 cm) diameter (minimum) rigid or flexible metal duct and
approved vent hood which has a swing-out damper hat open when the dryer is in
operation. When the dryer stops, the dampers automatically close to prevent drafts
and the entrance of insects and rodents. To avoid restricting the outlet, maintain a
minimum of 12 inches (30.5 cm) clearance between the vent hood and the ground
or any other obstruction. The vent flap should be able to move freely.
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After installation is completed, the following method must be used to
determine if the exhaust system is acceptable:
1. Connect an inclined or digital manometer between the dryer and the
point the exhaust connects to the dryer.
2. Set the dryer timer and temperature to air fluff (cool down)
and start the dryer.
3. Read the measurement on the manometer.
4. The system back pressure must not be higher than 0.75 inches
of water column. If the system back pressure is less than 0.75
inches of water column, the system is acceptable. If the manometer
reading is higher than 0.75 inches of water column, the system is too
restrictive and the installation is unacceptable.
Although vertical orientation of the exhaust system is acceptable, certain
extenuating circumstances could affect the performance of the dryer:
1. Only the rigid metal duct work should be used.
2. Venting vertically through a roof may expose the exhaust system to
down drafts causing an increase in vent restriction.
3. Running the exhaust system through an area not insulated may cause
condensation and faster accumulation of lint.
4. Compression or crimping of the exhaust system will cause an increase
in vent restriction.
The exhaust system should be inspected and cleaned a minimum of every
18 months with normal usage. The more the dryer is used, the more often
you should check the exhaust system and vent hood for proper operation.
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Lo ca tio n o f Yo u r Dry e r
Do N o t In sta ll Yo u r Dry e r:
• In an area exposed to dripping water or outside weather conditions.
• In an area where it will come in contact with curtains, drapes, or
anything that will obstruct the flow of combustion and ventilation air.
• On carpet. Floor must be solid with a maximum slope of
1inch (2.54 cm).
In sta lla tio n in Re ce ss o r Clo se t:
• A dryer installed in a bedroom, bathroom, recess or closet, must be
exhausted outdoors.
• Your dryer needs the space around it for proper ventilation.
• A minimum of 120 square inches (774.2 square cm) of opening,
equally divided at the top and bottom of the door, is required. Air
openings are required to be unobstructed when a door is installed. A
louvered door with equivalent air openings for the full length of the
door is acceptable.
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GDZ22-1 manual 10/22/01 11:45 AM Page 18
In sta lla tio n in Mo b ile Ho m e
• Dryer must be exhausted outside (outdoors, not beneath the mobile
home) using metal ducting that will not support combustion.
Metal ducting must be 4 inches (10.16 cm) in diameter with
no obstructions. Rigid metal duct is preferred.
• If dryer is exhausted through the floor and area beneath the
mobile home is enclosed, the exhaust system must terminate
outside the enclosure with the termination securely fastened to the
mobile home structure.
• Refer to previous pages for other important venting requirements.
• Installation must conform to current Manufactured Home
Construction & Safety Standard (which is a Federal Regulation
Title 24 CFR-Part 32-80) or when such standard is not applicable,
with American National Standard for Mobile Homes.
Wa rn in g : The dryer is designed under ANSI z 21.5.1
for home use only.
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Electrical Connections
Re q u ire m e n ts a n d In stru ctio n s
1. This appliance must be properly grounded. Electrical shock can result if the
dryer is not properly grounded. Follow the instructions in this manual
for proper grounding.
2. Do not use an extension cord with this dryer. Some extension cords are not
designed to withstand the amounts of electrical current this dryer utilizes and
can melt, creating electric shock and/ or fire hazard. Locate the dryer within
reach of the receptacle for the length power cord to be purchased,
allowing some slack in the cord. Refer to the electrical requirements
in this manual for the proper power cord to be purchased.
3. A U.L. approved strain relief must be installed onto power cord. If the strain
relief is not attached, the cord can be pulled out of the dryer and can be cut
by any movement of the cord, resulting in electrical shock.
4. Do not use an aluminum wire receptacle with copper wired power
cord and plug (or vice versa). A chemical reaction occurs between
copper and aluminum and can cause electrical shorts. The proper wiring
and receptacle is a copper wired power cord with a copper wired receptacle.
N o te : Dryers operating on 208 Volt power supply will have longer
drying times than operating on 240 Volt power supply.
Da n g e r: Improper connection of the equipment grounding conductor
can result in a risk of electrical shock. Check with a licensed
electrician if you are in doubt as to whether the appliance is
properly grounded. The dryer must be connected to a grounded metal,
permanent wiring system, or an equipment grounding
conductor must be run with the circuit conductors and connected
to the equipment-grounding terminal or lead on the appliance.
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GDZ22-1 manual 10/22/01 11:45 AM Page 20
3 -W ire Co rd Co n n e ctio n s
silver terminal
tighten nut
to these threads
power cord
strain relief
mounting bracket
1. Remove the screws securing the terminal block access cover
and the strain relief mounting bracket located on the back of the
dryer upper corner.
2. Install a U.L. approved strain relief into the power cord entry hole
of the mounting bracket. Finger tighten the nut only at this time.
3. Thread a U.L. Approved 30 Amp. Power cord, NEMA 10-30 Type
SRDT, through the strain relief.
4. Attach the power cord neutral (center wire) conductor to the silver
colored center terminal on the terminal block.
Tighten the screw securely.
5. Attach the remaining two power cord outer conductors to the
outer brass colored terminals on the terminal block. Tighten both
screws securely. Wa rn in g : Do not make a sharp bend or crimp
wiring/ conductor at connections.
6. Reattach the strain relief mounting bracket to the back of the dryer
with two screws. Tighten screws securely.
7. Tighten the screws securing the cord restraint firmly against the
power cord.
8. Tighten the strain relief nut securely so that the strain relief
does not turn.
9. Reinstall the terminal block cover.
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GDZ22-1 manual 10/22/01 11:45 AM Page 21
4 -W ire Co rd Co n n e ctio n s
green power cord
silver terminal
ground wire
terminal block
green neutral
ground wire
tighten nut to
these threads
power cord
strain relief
mounting bracket
1. Remove the screws securing the terminal block access cover
and the strain relief mounting bracket located on the back
of the dryer upper corner.
2. Install a U.L. approved strain relief into the power cord entry hole
of the mounting bracket. Finger tighten the nut only at this time.
3. Remove the green neutral ground wire from the green ground
screw located above the terminal block.
black 240V
white neutral
red 240V
4 Conductor
green ground
3 0 AMP N EMA 1 4 -3 0 TYPE SRDT O R ST
2 0
GDZ22-1 manual 10/22/01 11:45 AM Page 22
4. Thread a U.L. approved 30 Amp power cord, NEMA 14-30 type ST
or SRDT through the strain relief.
5. Attach the green power cord ground wire to the cabinet with
green ground screw.
6. Attach the white (neutral) power cord conductor from the power
cord and the green ground wire from the dryer harness to the
silver-colored center terminal on the terminal block. Tighten the
screw securely.
7. Attach the red and black power cord conductors to the outer
brass-colored terminals on the terminal block. Wa rn in g : Do not
make a sharp bend or crimp wiring/ conductor at connections.
8. Tighten the screws securing the cord restraint firmly
against the power cord.
9. Tighten the strain relief nut securely so that the strain
relief does not turn.
10. Reinstall the terminal block cover.
Ca u tio n : Label all wires prior to disconnection, when servicing
controls. Wiring errors can cause improper operations
and be dangerous. Check unit for proper operation
after servicing.
Wa rn in g : Discard or destroy the carton and plastic bags after the
dryer is unpacked. Children should not be allowed to
use them to play with. Cartons covered with rugs,
bedspreads, or plastic sheets can become an airtight
chamber and cause suffocation leading to death. Make
all packing materials inaccessible to children.
Wa rn in g : The instructions in this manual and all other literature
included with this dryer can not cover every possible
condition and situation that may occur. Good safe
practice and caution must be applied when installing,
operating and maintaining any appliances. After
installing, if you are in doubt, call a certified
electrician to install and wire the dryer.
2 1
GDZ22-1 manual 10/22/01 11:45 AM Page 23
Limited Warranty
Th is w a rra n ty co ve rs a p p lia n ce s
Fu ll O N E Ye a r In -Ho m e W a rra n ty
w ith in th e co n tin e n ta l Un ite d Sta te s,
Pu e rto Rico a n d Ca n a d a .
W h a t is n o t co ve re d b y
For 12 months from the date of original retail
purchase, Haier will repair or replace any
part free of charge including labor that fails
due to a defect in materials or workmanship.
th is w a rra n ty :
Replacement or repair of household fuses,
circuit breakers, wiring or plumbing.
A product whose original serial number has
been removed or altered.
Lim ite d W a rra n ty
After one year from the original retail pur-
chase date, Haier will provide a part at no
cost, as indicated below, to replace said part
as a result of a defect in materials or work-
manship. Haier is responsible solely for the
cost of the part. All other costs such as labor,
trip charge, etc are the responsibility of the
Premium service charges not specifically
identified as normal, such as outside normal
service area or hours.
Damage to clothing
Damage incurred in shipping
Damage caused by improper installation or
Damage from misuse, abuse accident, fire,
flood, or acts of nature
Se co n d Ye a r
Haier will provide All Parts.
Damage from service other than an
authorized Haier dealer or service center
Damage from incorrect electrical current,
voltage or supply
Damage resulting from any product
modification, alteration or adjustment not
authorized by Haier.
Th ird th ro u g h Fifth Ye a r
Haier will provide the drive motor or timer.
Haier will provide the dryer drum should the
drum rust through.
Th ird th ro u g h Te n th Ye a r
Haier will provide the cabinet assembly
should the cabinet rust through.
Adjustment of consumer operated controls as
identified in the owners manual
Hoses, knobs, lint trays and all attachments,
accessories and disposable parts
Labor, service transportation, and shipping
charges for the removal and replacement of
defective parts beyond the initial
12-month period.
N O TE: This warranty commences on the
date the item was purchased and the original
purchase receipt must be presented to the
authorized service representative before
warranty repairs are rendered.
Ex ce p tio n s: Co m m e rcia l o r Re n ta l
Use W a rra n ty
Damage from other than normal
household use.
90 days labor from date of original
purchase. Excludes in-home trip charge.
90 days parts from date of original
purchaseNo other warranty applies
Any transportation and shipping charges.
Fo r W a rra n ty Se rvice
Contact your nearest authorized service
center. All service must be performed by a
Haier authorized service center. For the name
and telephone number of the nearest
authorized service center please
call 1-877-337-3639.
The remedy provided in this warranty is
exclusive and is granted in lieu of all
other remedies.
This warranty does not cover incidental or
consequential damages, so the above
limitations may not apply to you. Some states
do not allow limitations on how long an
implied warranty lasts, so the above
limitations may not apply to you.
This warranty gives you specific legal rights,
and you may have other rights, which vary,
from state to state.
Be fo re ca llin g p le a se h a ve a va ila b le
th e fo llo w in g in fo rm a tio n :
Model number and serial number of your
appliance (found on the rear of the unit on
the upper left hand side).
The name and address of the dealer
you purchased the unit from and the
date of purchase.
A clear description of the problem.
A proof of purchase (sales receipt).
Haier America Trading L.L.C.
New York, NY 10018.
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GDZ22-1 manual 10/22/01 11:45 AM Page 69
Do N o t Re tu rn Th is Pro d u ct To Th e Sto re
If y o u h a ve a p ro b le m w ith th is p ro d u ct, p le a se co n ta ct th e "Ha ie r Cu sto m e r
Sa tisfa ctio n Ce n te r" a t 1 -8 7 7 -3 3 7 -3 6 3 9 .
N e p a s Ré e x p é d ie r ce Pro d u it a u Ma g a sin
Po u r to u t p ro b lè m e co n ce rn a n t ce p ro d u it, ve u ille z co n ta cte r le se rvice d e s
co n so m m a te u rs ‘Ha ie r Cu sto m e r Sa tisfa ctio n Ce n te r’ a u 1 -8 7 7 -3 3 7 -3 6 3 9 .
N o re g re se e ste p ro d u cto a la tie n d a
Si tie n e a lg ú n p ro b le m a co n e ste p ro d u cto , p o r fa vo r co n ta cte e l "Ce n tro d e Se rvicio a l
Co n su m id o r d e Ha ie r" a l 1 -8 7 7 -3 3 7 -3 6 3 9 (Vá lid o so lo e n E.U.A).
2 4 0 V, 6 0 Hz
Ma d e in Ch in a
Fa b riq u é e n Ch in e
He ch o e n Ch in a
Ha ie r Am e rica Tra d in g , L.L.C.
Issued: June-01
N e w Yo rk , N Y 1 0 0 1 8
Part # WD-9999-05
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