What The World Comes Home To
Built-In Dishwasher
Normal Wash
Light Wash
Use r Ma n u a l-
Mo d e l #
Gu id e d e l'Utilisa te u r- Mo d è le #
Ma n u a l d e l Usu a rio -
Mo d e lo #
then 2 weeks. This could be explosive and can explode under certain
circumstances. If this is the case, turn on all the hot faucets and let the hot water
run for a few minutes before using this appliance. This will let the trapped
hydrogen escape. To avoid an accident, as hydrogen gas is flammable and can
explode, do not turn on an electric appliance, smoke, light a match/ lighter or
use a flame.
20. Do not repair or replace any part of the appliance or attempt any servicing
unless specifically recommended in the user-repair instructions that you
understand and have skills to carry out.
21. To reduce the risk of electric shock or fire, do not use extension cords or
adapters to connect the unit to electrical power source.
22. Do not wash any heat sensitive or any other items that are not designed for
automatic dishwasher. Items not dishwasher safe could become deformed or melt
and create a potential fire hazard.
23. Do not use this dishwasher outdoors.
24. Do not leave the dishwasher door open to dry dishware while children are
around the counter top. Close supervision and observation needed when
children are around the dishwasher.
25. Do not abuse, sit on or stand on the door or dish rack of the dishwasher.
26. Do not touch the heating element during or immediately after use, as it may be
very hot.
27. Load sharp objects such as knives and forks upside down to reduce the risk of
cut type injuries.
28. Do not wash plastic items unless they are marked dishwasher safe. Check the
manufacturer’s recommendations for items not marked.
29. Do not load sharp items near the door; you could damage the door seal.
30. When removing an old dishwasher from service or discarding it, remove the
front door.
31. Disconnect electrical power and water inlet hose to dishwasher before servicing.
Table Of Contents
SAFETY IN STRUCTIO N S ................................................................1 -2
Kn o w in g Yo u r Dish w a sh e r ........................................................4 -6
Usin g Yo u r Dish w a sh e r ............................................................7 -1 6
Un d e rsta n d in g Th e Filtra tio n Sy ste m ........................................1 7
Dish w a sh e r Sa fe o r Ha n d Wa sh ..........................................1 8 -2 0
Ca re & Cle a n in g O f Yo u r Dish w a sh e r ......................................2 1
Tro u b le sh o o tin g ........................................................................2 2 -2 6
Wa rra n ty ........................................................................................2 7
Thank you for purchasing our Haier
product. This easy-to-use manual will
guide you in getting the best use of
Model number
your dishwasher.
Serial number
Remember to record the model and
serial number. They are on a label in
back of the dishwasher.
Date of purchase
Staple your receipt to your manual.
You will need it to obtain warranty service.
All figures in this use & care manual are for illustration purposes only. The
illustrated parts shown in figures may be different on the actual unit.
Specifications and features are subject to change without prior notice.
Knowing Your Dishwasher
Pa rts a n d Fe a tu re s
(Front View with Open Door)
1. Deluxe Adjustable Upper Rack with
Stemware Holders
7. Pre-Wash Detergent Compartment
8. Main Wash Detergent Compartment
2. Middle Spray Arm
9. Triple Filtration System (Located at
the bottom under Lower Rack)
3. Pressure Relief Valves (One located at
the upper left corner (not shown)
10. Heating Element (Located at rear and
under lower rack)
4. Lower Rack
5. Removable Split Silverware Basket
6. Rinse Aid Compartment
11. Lower Spray Arm
(Front View with Door Closed)
indicator Rinsee
Normal Wash
Light Wash
1. Power On Indicator Light
2. Power Button (On/ Off)
3. Rinse Check Indicator Light
4. Wash Selector Knob
(Rear View)
1. Drain Hose (Factory Attached)
2. Electrical Connection Junction Box
(120v/ 60Hz - Plug not Included)
3. Rear Leveling Legs
4. Water Inlet
5. Rear Insulation Panel
6. Safety precaution must be grounded
Using Your Dishwasher
Un d e rsta n d in g th e Dish w a sh e r Co n tro l Pa n e l:
Po w e r Bu tto n :
• Press "POWER" button in to turn the power "ON".
• Press this button again to turn the power "OFF".
N o te : You will see the "Power On Indicator Light" lit when the unit is on.
“ Rin se “ In d ica to r Lig h t:
• When “RINSE ” indicator light is lit, this means the rinse aid
detergent is empty in the rinse aid compartment. You need to
refill rinse aid at this time.
Do o r La tch :
indicator Rinsee
• To lock the door, push the door with
light force until you hear the “Click.”
• To unlock the door, squeeze the door
latch and pull towards you.
Wa sh Se le cto r Kn o b :
• When selecting a wash cycle, turn the knob
"CLOCKWISE" to your desired setting by matching
the knob "Pointer" symbol to the cycle "dot" symbol.
Once both are lined up, press "Power" button to
begin the wash process. (You will hear "Click" and
the wash cycle will start automatically.) A “Click” will
signify the automatic start at the wash cycle.
Wa rn in g : Th e w a sh se le cto r k n o b is d e sig n e d to w o rk o n ly in a
clo ck w ise d ire ctio n . DO N O T tu rn th e k n o b "CO UN TER
CLO CKW ISE." Tu rn in g in a co u n te r clo ck w ise d ire ctio n
m a y ca u se d a m a g e to th e w a sh se le cto r.
Se le ctin g Wa sh Cy cle s
• Select the appropriate cycle based on the load and soil level. For your conve-
nience, the dishwasher has Pots & Pans, Normal, Light Wash, Glassware and
Rinse & Hold wash cycles that you can select from.
Po ts & Pa n s Wa sh Cy cle :
• This cycle is used for heavily soiled pots & pans,
cookware, dishware, silverware and glassware
items with dried-on or baked-on soils.
N o te : This cycle may not remove burned-on
N o rm a l Wa sh Cy cle :
• This cycle is used for medium or heavily soiled
dishware, glassware and silverware.
Lig h t Wa sh Cy cle :
• Pre-Rinsed dishes & silverware.
Gla ssw a re Wa sh Cy cle :
• This cycle is used for lightly soiled glassware, chinaware.
Rin se & Ho ld Cy cle :
• This cycle is used for rinsing partial loads that will be washed later.
N o te : Do not use detergent with this cycle.
Ch e ck List fo r Wa sh Pro ce ss
1) Make sure all items are loaded in the racks and silverware basket properly.
N o te : Do not load tall dishware or cookware items near middle spray arm as
they may block the spray arm from rotating.
2) Pour the proper amount of detergent into the detergent dispenser.
N o te : If "RINSE " indicator light display is "ON" indicating that it is empty,
add "Rinse Aid" agent at this time.
3) Close the door and latch properly.
4) Select the desired wash cycle by matching the knob "Pointer" to cycle "Dot".
Once you are at this point, turn the power button "ON". You will hear a "Click"
and the wash process will begin at this time.
5) To turn the power off at the end of the cycle, simply press the "POWER" button.
6) If you want to speed up the drying process after completion of the cycle, keep the
door open slightly to release the moist air.
Wa rn in g : Keep children away from the machine when the door is opened to dry
the dishware because the moist hot air exiting out of the door may
cause harm.
Ca n ce lin g o r Re se ttin g Wa sh Cy cle
N o te : The dishwasher will release detergent automatically within a few minutes of
the start of a wash. To avoid the "release of detergent" before you cancel or
reset the wash cycle, you must press "POWER" button immediately.
• Once you have reset to a new wash cycle, you must refill the detergent
compartment if it is open and empty because the detergent from previous wash
cycle may have already been released.
Follow the steps below to cancel or reset a wash cycle:
1) To cancel or reset a wash cycle, press "POWER" button to "OFF" position to turn
the dishwasher off. You will notice that power indicator display light shuts off.
N o te : "HI-TEMP WASH" option can not be selected with "RINSE & HOLD"
2) To reset a wash cycle, turn the knob "Clockwise" to your desired wash cycle
3) Press "POWER" button again to the "ON" position to turn the dishwasher on.
You will hear a "Click" that signifies the automatic start of the wash process. You
will also notice that power indicator display light turns on.
Pa u sin g a Wa sh Cy cle :
The "POWER" button serves the purpose of the "Pause" function as well as
powering the machine on or off.
If you need to pause in the middle of the cycle to add or remove any items, follow
the steps below:
1) Press "POWER" button to the "OFF" position to pause the cycle. You will notice
that the power indicator display light shuts off.
2) Open the door by squeezing the door latch slowly.
N o te : Do not open the door until the water spray action stops. Be careful of
moist hot air that may rise out of the dishwasher.
3) Add or remove items. Once you have finished adding or removing, simply close
the door properly.
4) Press the "POWER" button to the "ON" position to resume the cycle. You will
notice that power indicator display light turns on.
O p e n Do o r Pro te ctio n :
Your dishwasher will stop automatically if the door is opened during the operation.
The dishwasher will not start until the door is closed again. Once the door is closed
the cycle will resume automatically.
1 0
Pre p a rin g to Wa sh Dish e s:
For get best results, practice the following
before you put dishware in the dishwasher:
• Discard big chunks of food from the plate
before loading.
• Remove sticky foods and loosen
burned-on foods before loading.
• Empty liquids such as juice, soup, soda,
coffee or tea from glasses and cups before loading.
• Rinse off acid based liquid, such as vinegar or lemon juice right a way. Failure to
do so may cause discoloration to plates, food containers or internal cabinet.
• Always check manufacturer’s recommendations before you start washing items.
Tip s to a vo id sta in s a n d film s:
The following suggestions are recommended to prevent stains and films
on dishware and utensils items:
• You must rinse all dishware, silverware, glassware and food containers
immediately after use. Some citric based food products, coffee, tea and iron
deposits in water can cause yellow or brown film to form on the inside surface it
left on for a long time or if rinsed immediately.
• You must check your water hardness to see whether you need to use more or less
detergent to wash. If water is extremely hard, then it may be causing stains on
items. You may need to use a water softener.
• Do not overload the dishwasher.
• Avoid improper loading.
• Be sure to use the recommended water temperature to wash dishware.
• Do not use too little detergent.
• Do not use old or damp powder detergent.
• Do not load aluminum utensils improperly. Aluminum utensils can cause gray or
black marks to appear on porcelain utensils if they are touching during wash
1 1
Lo a d in g th e Lo w e r & Up p e r Ra ck :
To get maximum cleaning results, follow the
recommendations below before you start
the dishwasher:
N o te : Do not wash any heat sensitive or any other
(upper rack)
items that are not designed for automatic dishwashers.
• Keep all tall dishware and food containers away from the spray arm rotation.
• Place food containers such as cups, glasses, bowls, saucepans and casserole
dishes with soiled surface facing in the downward position.
• To avoid any type of damage to glassware such as coffee/ tea cups, beverage,
wine and champagne glasses, do not load them on the bottom rack. Place these
items on the upper rack.
• Put cups upside down on the top of the cup/ stemware rack and put wine or
champagne glasses upside down between the divided segments of the
cup/ stemware rack to secure them properly.
• Do not load dishware or food containers that are
made of wood or iron. These items are not considered
dishwasher safe.(See chart on p.18 for details.)
• Do not jam the glassware items together when
(lower rack)
• Place delicate items on the upper rack.
• Do not load tall dishware or cookware items near the middle spray arm.
• Move racks slowly in and out to avoid slamming the dishware items together.
• Make sure all dishware and glassware items are securely in place when loading
to avoid falling over or striking against each other.
Ad ju sta b le Up p e r Ra ck Sy ste m :
The upper rack has two positions, which allows you to modify the rack system
according to your current space needs. The flexibility of the upper rack is ideal for
washing tall dishware and glassware items.
For Example: Adjusting the Rack to the Lower Position allows you the flexibility to
load taller wine or champagne glasses in the upper rack, simply remove the rack
and bring it to the lower position.
1 2
For Example: Adjusting the Rack to Upper Position allows you the flexibility to load
tall dishes on the lower rack.
Ste p s to Re m o ve th e Ra ck
1) Open both sides of the rail guards from the upper rack.
2) Slide the rack out.
3) Close both sides of the rail guards so rack will not slide out.
Lo a d in g Silve rw a re Ba sk e t:
Simply remove the basket out of the dishwasher to load silverware and place it back
once you finish loading.
• To avoid any type of injury, load knives and forks face down.
• Try to mix spoons, knives and forks for better cleaning and
drying and to prevent nesting.
• Do not mix stainless steel and silver items because you may
damage silver finish on silver items.
• Do not load tall items next to upper spray arm because it
could be blocked.
• Do not load dishware or food containers that are made of wood or iron. These
items are not considered dishwasher safe.
• Do not load tin, pewter and non-dishware filters. These items are not considered
dishwasher safe.
1 3
Pro p e r Use o f De te rg e n t:
• The amount of detergent to use depends on the type of water in your living area
whether it is hard or soft and whether items are lightly or heavily soiled.
• Water softness or hardness is measured in grains content per gallon (gpg). You
can find out the gpg level by calling your local Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) in your county.
• If you find that the gpg level is higher in the water, then the water will be harder
in your living area. You will need more detergent to clean. If gpg level is lower,
then the water will be softer in your living area so you will need less
detergent to clean.
See the following table to understand the "water hardness type" and gpg level.
Water Hardness Type
N o te : If gpg level is over 12, then water is very hard. You may need water
softener to improve the water quality and the performance of
your dishwashing.
N o te : The quality of the detergent will make a big difference in the cleaning of
dishes. Detergent that is damp or too old will not be as effective to clean
because the active ingredients will be phased off. Detergent will not work
N o te : Use only "Au to m a tic Dish w a sh e r De te rg e n t" for your dishwasher.
Other types of detergents that are not for dishwasher use may cause
oversudsing and foaming. Do not use detergents that are dried, caked or
moist. These types of detergents will not dissolve properly and and will clean
1 4
Po u rin g Dish w a sh e r De te rg e n t:
Use the recommended amount of detergent for your wash loads. Measure and pour
the detergent into the large compartment for the main wash. The detergent for the
pre-wash goes into the small compartment next to the main wash compartment.
N o te : For the pre-wash you should use one-half the amount of detergent that you
use for the main wash.
• We recommend that you use a Rin se Ag e n t to help remove spots and prevent
new film build-up on your dishes, glasses, flatware, cookware and plastic.
compartment door lever
prewash detergent compartment
detergent compartment lid
main wash
detergent compartment
N o te : Use only a liquid form of rinse agent in the dispenser.
Po u rin g Liq u id Rin se Ag e n t in to th e Disp e n se r:
Use the recommended amount of rinse agent for your wash loads. The rinse agent
dispenser is located next to the detergent dispenser. During the wash cycle, it
automatically releases a preset amount of rinse agent during the last rinse cycle.
When the dispenser is full, the see through rinse agent level indicator will be dark.
When it is empty, it will be clear which means you need to pour in more.
rinse agent compartment
rinse agent
level indicator
3/4 Full
1/2 Full
1/4 Full
(at this time you
should refill to
eliminate spotting)
N o te : A full dispenser should last approximately one month.
If you want to adjust the amount of rinse agent dispensed, the
dispenser has 1 to 6 levels that you can adjust to. Simply rotate
the dial to your desire settings.
1 5
Ch e ck in g Wa te r Te m p e ra tu re :
• Your incoming water must be between at least 120˚F / 49˚C and at most
150˚F / 66˚C in order to clean effectively and prevent damage to your dishware.
N o te : The minimum incoming temperature must be at 120˚F/ 49˚C in order for the
detergent to dissolve properly.
If you are unsure of the temperature of your hot water:
1. Simply open the hot water faucet and let it run for a minute and fill a glass.
2. Take a thermometer and check the temperature of the water.
3. If the temperature is below 120˚F / 49˚C, then you need to adjust the water
temperature on your water heater in order to maintain that temperature level.
O ve rflo w in g Pro te ctio n :
• In case the water level is rising above the highest acceptable point, the security
pressure switch will activate the drain pump automatically.
1 6
Understanding the Filtration System
For your convenience, the three level filtration system is conveniently located inside
the dishwasher tub beneath the lower rack and consists of a Main Filter, Coarse
Filter and Fine Filter.
Main Filter
Coarse Filter
Fine Filter
Ma in Filte r: The purpose of this filter is to trap food and soil particles.
Co a rse Filte r: The purpose of this filter is to trap large items such as pieces of
bone or glass that might clog the drain. (attached to main filter)
Fin e Filte r: The purpose of this filter is to trap and hold tiny soil and food residue
and prevent it from being re-deposited on the dishes during a cycle.
Wa rn in g : N e ve r ru n y o u r d ish w a sh e r w ith o u t th e filte rs in p la ce .
Fa ilu re to d o so m a y ca u se d ra in b lo ck a g e a n d p u m p
d a m a g e .
1 7
Dishwasher Safe or Hand Wash
Materials Type
Dishwasher Safe
Some restrictions apply.
Materials such as anodized
Read manufacturer's washing aluminum may fade or
instructions before loading.
become dark in hot water
temperature. Some
discoloration may appear.
Load aluminum items away
from other type of materials
items because they can cause
gray or black marks.
Not recommended - Hand
Wash Only, dry immediately
after washing.
Iron will rust in water and the
seasoning will be lost due to
the hot water temperature.
Cast Iron
Some restrictions apply.
You can wash "Chinaware"
Read manufacturer's washing items that are without
instructions before loading.
Note: Only if stated
decoration. You can wash
"Chinaware" items with
decoration protected by
special type of "Glaze". Any
type of "Pattern" on top of
glaze with gold or silver
lining or design may fade in
hot water temperature. Load
these type of items away from
each other to avoid scratches
and damage.
"Dishwasher Safe"
(Some restrictions apply.)
Read manufacturer's washing Load cooper items away from
instructions before loading.
stainless steel items. Do not
mix cooper and silver items in
the same basket. They can
easily discolor.
Not recommended - Hand
Wash Only.
Certain type of "Lead Crystal"
may etch in high hot water
Read manufacturer's washing temperature. Do not wash
instructions before loading.
"Antiques" and "Very
Delicate" items in the
dishwasher. Crystal Items are
recommended to be washed
in low temperature
setting. When loading, make
sure they are securely in
place to avoid falling over
and knocking against other
dishware items during the
wash process.
1 8
Dish w a sh e r Sa fe o r Ha n d Wa sh (continued)
Materials Type
Dishwasher Safe
Not recommended - Hand
Wash Only.
These items may become
Dirilyte (Gold
Colored Flat
Read manufacturer's washing
instructions before loading.
Not recommended - Hand
Wash Only.
These items are not made for
machine wash.
Read manufacturer's washing
instructions before loading.
Some exceptions and
You may wash some
restriction apply. Read
manufacturer's washing
instructions before loading.
glassware items to avoid
stains. Empty liquids such as
juice,soup, soda, coffee or tea
from glasses and cups before
Not recommended - Hand
Wash Only in cold water.
Note: Sharp knives can
become dull in hot water
Sometimes the knife "Handle"
(wood or other type of
materials) may crack, loosen
or wear out in hot water
Read manufacturer's washing
instructions before loading.
Not recommended - Hand
Wash Only.
These items may "Etch" if
machine washed.
Lead Crystal
Read manufacturer's washing
instructions before loading.
Not recommended - Hand
Wash Only.
Never machine wash items
such as electronic
Read manufacturer's washing "air cleaners/ filters"
instructions before loading.
of any kind of small
electronics/ appliances.
Some exceptions and
restriction apply.
After wash, it is
recommended that you wipe
Read manufacturer's washing off the non-stick surface
instructions before loading.
Note: Only if stated
area with vegetable oil to
maintain its non-stick quality.
"Dishwasher Safe".
Not recommended - Hand
Wash Only.
This will stain or discolor if
machine washed.
Read manufacturer's washing
instructions before loading.
1 9
Dish w a sh e r Sa fe o r Ha n d Wa sh (continued)
Materials Type
Dishwasher Safe
Only if stated "Dishwasher
Place plastic items away from
sharp items to avoid damage.
Read manufacturer's washing It is recommended to place
instructions before loading.
plastic items on the top rack.
Do not heat dry. Do not wash
"Disposable" plastic items.
Note: Rinse these items imme- Do not place silverware and
Silver & Silver
diately. If you are going to
wash them later because
acidic or salty foods may
stain if left on for long time.
stainless steel items in the
same basket. Silverware items
may get damaged if they
come in contact with stainless
steel items.
Note: Rinse these items imme- Do not place silverware and
diately if you are going to
wash them later because
acidic or salty foods may
stainless steel items in the
Stainless Steel
same basket. Silverware items
may become damaged if they
stain if left on for a long time. come in contact with stainless
Note: Do not mix stainless
and silverware items.Read
manufacturer's washing
instructions before loading.
steel items. Do not load
different types of "Stainless"
items in the same
load/ basket.
Not recommended.
Note: It will rust.
Do not wash "Metal Tin" in
Read manufacturer's washing the dishwasher.
instructions before loading.
Not recommended.
Note: Only if stated
"Dishwasher Safe"
Wood may crack or lose its
shape in machine wash due
Read manufacturer's washing to the hot water temperature
instructions before loading. condition.
2 0
Care & Cleaning of your Dishwasher
Ge n e ra l Cle a n in g a n d Ma in te n a n ce :
• Do not use abrasive, harsh cleaners, solvents, concentrated detergents or metal
scouring pads to clean the inside of dishwasher.
• Use warm soapy water with a soft brush or a piece of cloth to clean the interior
of a tub.
• Clean around the tub gasket with a damp cloth.
• When cleaning the control panel, use a slightly dampened cloth to wipe. Then dry
• When cleaning the exterior cabinet, use slightly soapy water with a soft piece of
• Do not use any sharp objects that can scratch the cabinet surface.
Cle a n in g Dish w a sh e r Filte rs:
• We recommend that you wash and clean all three filters gently in hot, soapy
water and rinse them thoroughly periodically to clean soil and chemical build up
on the filters.
• The filters are located inside the dishwasher at the bottom in the front below
the lower rack.
• After a wash and dry cycle is finished, you must wait few minutes until the
dishwasher is completely cooled off in order to remove the filters to clean.
• Remove the lower rack first in order to take the filter out.
• Remove and clean any residue off the filters with soap and water; then wipe them
off with a soft piece of cloth.
• After you finish cleaning the filters, place them back to their original position in
the dishwasher.
Pre ve n tin g Yo u r Dish w a sh e r fro m Fre e zin g :
You must protect your dishwasher if it is left in an unheated place during the winter.
• You must cut off electrical power to the dishwasher.
• You must turn off the water supply and disconnect the water inlet line from the
water valve.
• You must drain water from the water inlet into the sink or pan.
• Do not install or operate your dishwasher where the temperature
is below freezing.
• If you receive a delivery of a dishwasher when the outside temperature is below
freezing, do not operate it until the dishwasher has warmed to room temperature.
Sto ra g e o f Yo u r Dish w a sh e r in a Co ld En viro n m e n t:
• You must store the dishwasher at room temperature.
2 1
Dish w a sh e r d o e s n o t w o rk :
• Check if the circuit breaker needs to be reset or if the fuse needs to be replaced.
• Check if the unit is in "OFF" mode.
• Check if the door is open. You may need to close the door properly.
• Check that you have pressed "POWER" button after proper selection.
Dish w a re a n d g la ssw a re / fla tw a re a re clo u d y
a n d n o t p ro p e rly cle a n e d :
• Use of old or poor detergent.
You need to make sure that detergent is fresh.
• The water may be hard in your area.
You may need to install a water softener.
• Spray arms may be blocked.
You may need to rearrange dishware and utensils.
• Water pressure may be low.
You may need to adjust the water pressure.
Make sure it is between 20 to 120 (PSI).
• Water temperature may be lower than what is recommended.
(120 Degree F / 49 Degree C) You may need to adjust the water temperature on
your water heater.
• Overloading of dishware.
You may need to rearrange or remove some dishware from the load.
• (May have selected wrong cycle.) Inappropraite cycle selection.
You may need to select the proper cycle.
Dish e s a re n o t d ry :
• Low water temperature.
You may need to regulate the water temperature to 120 Degree F / 49 Degree C.
• Make sure the rinse agent dispenser is filled and the proper amount is used.
• Avoid nesting and do not overload.
• Load items in a tilted position if possible so the water will run off easily.
• Dishware washed in higher temperatures will dry faster.
• Some plastic materials may need to be towel dried.
2 2
Dish w a re is ch ip p e d :
• This is due to poor loading or overloading. You need to be careful when loading.
Do not overload. You need to place the glassware securely against the pins. Make
sure delicate items are on the side rack. We recommend that fine chinaware or
crystal items be hand washed.
• Do not jam the glassware items together when loading.
• Place delicate items on the upper rack.
• Do not load tall dishware items near the middle spray arm.
• Move racks slowly in and out to avoid slamming the dishware items together.
• Make sure all dishware and glassware items are securely in place when loading
to avoid falling over or striking against each other.
N o ise :
Some of the sounds you will hear are normal.
• You will hear the sound of the water fill and rinse.
• You will hear the drain pump motor operation to pump water out.
• You will hear the motor stopping at the end of the cycle.
• If some utensils are not secure in the rack, you will hear that they are being tossed
around the tub.
O ve rsu d sin g :
This is due to the use of regular hand washing detergent.
Detergent should be for "Automatic Dishwasher Use". You must use the proper
detergent for best dishwashing results.
Dish w a re O d o r:
• This is due to an incomplete cycle.
You need to allow the cycle to be fully completed.
• New scented detergent used.
This is normal because different types of detergents may have different
2 3
Etch in g :
• Too much detergent used.
Use the appropriate amount of detergent. Reduce the amount of detergent
used per load.
• The water temperature is too hot.
You need to lower the water temperature.
• Use of old detergent.
Read the expiration date. Avoid using old detergent. Use only fresh detergent.
• Do not pre-rinse the dishes.
Simply scrape off large food particles
Sta in e d in te rio r tu b :
• Some detergents contain colorants known as "pigments" or "dyes" that will
discolor the tub with extended use. You need to change the detergent to one
without a colorant. Read the container label carefully before using the detergent.
• Some acid based and/ or paste based foods may discolor the tub. Use of the rinse
cycle may help to decrease the level of staining.
Sp o ts & film in g fo u n d o n fla tw a re / g la ssw a re :
This is due to:
• Use of too little detergent.
• Low incoming water temperature and pressure.
• Improper loading.
• Use of old, moist and damp powder detergent.
• Hard water in your area.
2 4
Wa te r
Dra in in g Pro b le m :
• Check the level of the drain hose. The drain hose should be positioned above the
drain in order to drain properly. Make sure it is on a high drain loop (20”) above
the sub floor or floor.
• If the drain hose is bent or shrunken, it may affect water draining.
• If water can not be drained out smoothly, the dishwasher operation will be
disturbed and it may stop in the middle of the cycle.
• Make sure that the wash cycle is fully completed before you opened the
dishwasher door. If the wash cycle is not completely finished, allow the cycle to be
completed and check again.
• Make sure that the air gap is not blocked.
• If the unit is connected to a garbage disposer, make sure that it is not full. If it is,
you need to empty it.
• Check for any type of blockage near the drain and dishwasher filter area.
• If the water backs up into the sink, you need to check the garbage disposer and the
trap for blockage.
• It is normal to find some water in the sump area near the drain.
Ste p s o f d ra in in g th e w a te r o u t o f th e tu b :
1) Shut off the unit power and wait a few seconds.
2) Turn the knob to the “RINSE & HOLD” wash-cycle button.
3) Turn the power on again and you will hear a water draining noise.
4) Let the water drain out for approximately 30 seconds and shut off the unit power.
5) If there is still some water in the tub, repeat steps 1-3 again until the water is
completely drained.
6) If you still notice excessive water present in the tub after completing these steps,
call the Haier Customer Satisfaction Center for further assistance. 1-877-337-3639
2 5
Dish w a sh e r is le a k in g :
• Dishwasher is not properly leveled.
You need to place the dishwasher on a flat hard surface. Avoid an uneven
• Make sure the dishwasher is properly leveled . (See the installation instructions)
• Do not overfill the detergent or the rinse agent dispenser because it will cause
oversudsing and overflowing.
• Do not use regular type hand or dish washing detergent in the detergent
dispenser. These types of detergents are not recommended for dishwasher use.
Dish w a sh e r w ill n o t fill:
• Check the water supply.
Make sure that the water supply is in "ON" position.
• Check water pressure.
Make sure the water pressure is at the proper level. (Between 20 – 120 PSI)
Wa te r fo u n d u n d e r th e filte r:
• A small amount of water found under the filter area after completion of the cycle
is normal.
De te rg e n t fo u n d in th e co m p a rtm e n t:
• Do not load items too close to the detergent compartment. This may block the
automatic release of the detergent.
• Do not use old or caked/ dried detergent in the compartment because it will not
dissolve properly and will leave a sandy residue on dishware.
Dish w a sh e r is ru n n in g fo r to o lo n g :
• The temperature of incoming water is below 120˚F. Raising your water heater
setting will help to shorten the time of operation.
• Call the Haier Customer Satisfaction Center if this does not resolve the problem.
2 6
Limited Warranty
In -Ho m e Se rvice
appliance (found on the rear of the unit on
the upper left hand side).
The name and address of the dealer you
purchased the unit from and the date
of purchase.
A clear description of the problem.
A proof of purchase (sales receipt).
1 Ye a r Wa rra n ty
For 12 months from the date of original retail
purchase, Haier will repair or replace any
part free of charge that fails due to a defect
in materials or workmanship, including labor.
2 Ye a rs Lim ite d Wa rra n ty
Th is w a rra n ty co ve rs a p p lia n ce s
w ith in th e co n tin e n ta l Un ite d Sta te s,
Pu e rto Rico a n d Ca n a d a . W h a t is
n o t co ve re d b y th is w a rra n ty :
Wa te r Distrib u tio n Sy ste m
(Pa rts O n ly )
For 24 months from the date of original retail
purchase, Haier will replace any parts in the
water distribution system which fail due to
manufacturing defect. This includes the pump,
motor, lower wash arm, middle wash arm
and the wash tower upper sprayer with asso-
ciated supply tube and filters.
Replacement or repair of household fuses,
circuit breakers, wiring or plumbing.
A product whose original serial number has
been removed or altered.
Any service charges not specifically
identified as normal such as normal
service area or hours.
Damage to dishware.
Damage incurred in shipping.
Damage caused by improper installation
or maintenance.
Damage from misuse, abuse accident, fire,
flood, or acts of nature.
Damage from service other than an
authorized Haier dealer or service center.
Damage from incorrect electrical current,
voltage or supply.
Damage resulting from any product
modification, alteration or adjustment
not authorized by Haier.
Adjustment of consumer operated controls as
identified in the owners manual.
Hoses, knobs and all attachments, accessories
and disposable parts.
Labor, service transportation, and shipping
charges for the removal and replacement
of defective parts beyond the initial
12-month period.
Damage from anything other than normal
household use.
Any transportation and shipping charges.
N O TE: Associated outside inlet and drain
plumbing parts are not covered by this
Vin y l Co a te d Ra ck s (Pa rts O n ly )
For 24 months from the date of original retail
purchase, Haier will replace vinyl-coated
upper or lower rack that peels or rusts due to
a manufacturing defect.
Ro ta ry o r Ele ctro m e ch a n ica l Co n tro l
(Pa rts O n ly )
For 24 months from the date of original retail
purchase, Haier will replace rotary/ electro-
mechanical control that fails due to a manu-
facturing defect.
Life tim e (Pa rts O n ly )
Sta in le ss Ste e l Tu b a n d Do o r Lin e r
Provide a replacement tub or door liner if the
original tub or door liner fails to contain
water because of a manufacturing defect.
N O TE: This warranty commences on the
date the item was purchased and the original
purchase receipt must be presented to the
authorized service representative before war-
ranty repairs are rendered.
Ex ce p tio n s: Co m m e rcia l o r Re n ta l
Use Wa rra n ty
90 days labor from date of original purchase
90 days parts from date of original purchase
No other warranty applies
The remedy provided in this warranty is
exclusive and is granted in lieu of all
other remedies.
Fo r Wa rra n ty Se rvice
This warranty does not cover incidental or
consequential damages, so the above
limitations may not apply to you. Some states
do not allow limitations on how long an
implied warranty lasts, so the above
limitations may not apply to you.
This warranty gives you specific legal rights,
and you may have other rights, which vary,
from state to state.
Contact your nearest authorized service
center. All service must be performed by a
Haier authorized service center. For the name
and telephone number of the nearest
authorized service center please call
Be fo re ca llin g , p le a se h a ve th e
fo llo w in g in fo rm a tio n a va ila b le :
Model number and serial number of your
Haier America
New York, NY 10018
2 7
Do N o t Re tu rn Th is Pro d u ct To Th e Sto re
If y o u h a ve a p ro b le m w ith th is p ro d u ct, p le a se co n ta ct th e "Ha ie r Cu sto m e r Sa tisfa ctio n
Ce n te r" a t 1 -8 7 7 -3 3 7 -3 6 3 9 .
N e p a s re n vo y e r ce t a p p a re il a u m a g a sin .
Si vo u s a ve z u n p ro b lè m e a ve c ce t a p p a re il, ve u ille z co n ta cte r le se rvice à la clie n tè le d e
Ha ie r a u 1 -8 7 7 -3 3 7 -3 6 3 9 .
N o De vu e lva Este Pro d u cto a l Esta b le cim ie n to Co m p ra .
Si tie n e p ro b le m a s co n e ste p ro d u cto , p o r fa vo r p ó n g a se e n co n ta cto co n e l "Ce n tro Ha ie r
d e Ate n ció n a l Clie n te " e n e l 1 -8 7 7 -3 3 7 -3 6 3 9 .
What The World Comes Home To
Ha ie r Am e rica
Issued: May-04
Part # DW-9999-12
N e w Yo rk , N Y 1 0 0 1 8
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