IMC Networks Network Card iMcV Giga FiberLinX II User Manual |
Table of Contents
Warranty---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii
Overview ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1
iConfig Utility-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
II - LED Operation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------5
IV - Installation Instructions -----------------------------------------------------------------------8
V - Software Configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------8
VII - Application Overview ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 28
VIII - Application Examples---------------------------------------------------------------------- 29
Default------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29
I - About the iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II
The iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II
allows network operators to deploy managed Ethernet
services, with a full range of remote management, traffic monitoring, and alarm
reporting features. This unit converts 1000 Mbps fiber to 10/100/1000 Mbps copper.
In addition, a range of fiber connectors (SC, ST, or SFP) and a variety of wavelengths,
supporting higher density CWDM and single-strand fiber operation are available.
The iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II supports two main configuration modes: Standalone or
Host/Remote. When using Host/Remote, the Remote modules can be fully managed
without an IP address using a secure management channel (when the SNMP module
is installed in the same chassis). In either mode, the network operator can choose to
assign an IP address to the Host or Standalone module. Or, if using a local
iMediaChassis managed chassis, all local and remotely connected iMcV-Giga-
FiberLinX-II modules can be managed using the single IP address of the chassis. This
not only preserves IP addresses and reduces configuration complexity, but
management traffic traveling on the non-IP based transmission channel is kept
isolated from customer traffic, enhancing network security.
The iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II offers the following features:
Securely separates the SNMP management network from the data network
IEEE 802.1Q VLAN Tagging
Q-in-Q VLAN Extra-Tagging
Remote traffic monitoring
Remote automatic alarms
Bandwidth limiting
FiberAlert (loss return)
FX and TX LinkLoss (loss pass-through)
Loopback testing
Selective Advertising
The iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II module is a double-slot, chassis-mounted module.
Compatible chassis include the following:
iMediaChassis series
MediaChassis series
Port Interfaces
Every iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II includes the following port:
A 10/100/1000 twisted pair port (EXT MGMT) for management
One of the following uplink ports:
One fixed 1000 Mbps Fiber port
A SFP port capable of receiving a gigabit fiber optic SFP module or a
gigabit twisted pair (RJ-45) SFP module
And one of the following DATA ports:
A 10/100/1000 twisted pair (RJ-45) port
A SFP port capable of receiving a gigabit fiber optic SFP module or a gigabit
twisted pair (RJ-45) SFP module
In addition, a DB-9 port is available for management through a serial port
You can easily configure the iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II by using either the serial craft
port connection, through SNMP management application such as iView² or a Telnet
Serial Craft Port Connection
The RS-232 serial connection through the DB-9 connector on the module provides
access to the iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II module configuration screens. The
configuration screens are also accessible from a Telnet connection.
iView2 Management Software
iView² is the IMC Networks management software designed specifically for the IMC
Networks “iMcV” family of modules. It features a graphical user interface (GUI) and
gives network managers the ability to monitor and control the manageable IMC
Networks products.
iView2 is available in several versions and can also function as a snap-in module for
HP OpenViewTM Network Node Manager. For assistance in selecting the right version
of iView² for your operating system, please visit:
iView2 supports the following platforms:
Windows™ 98 • Windows NT • Windows 2000 • Windows XP • Windows Vista
In addition, there are Java versions of iView² for other Java capable operating systems
such as Linux.
iConfig Utility
iConfig is a configuration utility in iView² that lets you quickly and easily complete the
initial SNMP configuration for IMC Networks’ SNMP-manageable devices. With
iConfig you can set the IP address, set the Subnet Mask and Default Gateway, define
the Community Strings, and define SNMP Traps. iConfig can also be used to upload
new versions of unit software.
iConfig offers an authorized IP address system and access restriction to MIB groups
supported by the IMC Networks manageable devices. These extra layers of security
are purely optional and do not effect SNMP compatibility in any way.
Default Username/Password
The default user ID and password for both iConfig and Telnet are the following:
about setting or changing passwords.
It is the responsibility of the network administrator to store and maintain the
password lists.
About Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP)
The iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II module includes a Dynamic Host Control Protocol
(DHCP) client. By default, the DHCP client is disabled. When a DHCP server is
enabled on the network, the DHCP client will initiate a dialogue with the server
during the boot up sequence. The server will then issue an IP address, Default
Gateway address and Subnet mask to the module. After the new IP address is
received, the iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II will reboot with the new IP address.
When a DHCP server is not on the network, ensure that DHCP is disabled and use
iConfig or serial configuration to manually set the IP addresses (refer to the Serial
Configuration/Telnet Session section for DHCP Enable/Disable information).
If an IP address is already assigned to the device, and DHCP is then enabled, that
original IP address is saved. When DHCP is disabled, the saved IP address will be
reinstated and the device will reboot.
II - LED Operation
The following are iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II diagnostic LEDs. In this example, the
functions for a 1x9 fiber port version (SC fiber) are shown below.
In the SFP/SFP version the LNK/ACT and FDX/COL LEDs replace EXT 1000 and
DATA 1000 for the top SFP, which does not have built-in LEDs like the RJ-45
DATA port. In addition, the copper SFP LNK/ACT LED glows green (does not
Port LEDs
Glows yellow when port is operating in Full-Duplex.
Blinks yellow when collisions occur on port.
Glows green when link is established on port.
Blinks green during data activity on port.
Optics Port LEDs
Diagnostic LEDs
FA: Glows green when FiberAlert is enabled.
FCU (Far CPU Up):
FTL (Far TX Link):
Host: Glows green when
far end is detected.
Remote: Glows green
for Remote units.
Standalone: LED
remains OFF.
Host: Glows green when a link is
established on remote (far-end) DATA
Remote: Glows green when unit is
configured as Remote.
Standalone: LED remains OFF.
Glows green with SNMP
LNK/ACT (Link/Activity):
Glows green when link is established on
Blinks green during data activity on port.
EXT 1000:
Glows green when EXT
port is operating at 1000
FDX/COL (Full Duplex/Collision):
Glows yellow when port is operating in
Blinks yellow when collisions occur on
DATA 1000:
Glows yellow when DATA por
is operating at 1000 Mbps.
III - Hardware Configuration
Before installing the module in a chassis, there are two features that must be selected
using the DIP switches. These selections are:
Enable or disable management on each port
(DIP switches 1, 2, and 3)
Configure the module as a standalone, a host, or a remote
(DIP switches 7 and 8)
DIP Switch Settings
Before installing the iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II, use the DIP switches to set the
hardware-configurable features. The DIP switches are located on switch SW1 on the
iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II card. Refer to the diagram and table for switch settings and
available features.
Default Setting
Management on EXT MGMT port
Management on DATA port
Management on OPTICS or
Factory use - Do not change
Factory use - Do not change
Factory use - Do not change
Remote Module
Host Module
Factory use - Do not change
Factory use - Do not change
Host/Remote and Standalone Units
The iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II can be used as a Host, Remote, or Standalone unit.
Refer to the Application Examples section for examples.
When two iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II units are used as a pair, configure one as a Host
unit (DIP switch 8 = ON) and the other as a Remote unit (DIP switch 7 = ON). As a
host unit, the iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II requests management information from the
attached remote unit. It then displays that information, along with its own, when
queried by SNMP. As a Remote unit, the iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II will respond to
requests for management information from an attached Host unit.
The iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II default configuration is as a Standalone unit (DIP switches
7 and 8 = OFF).
Although the iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II provides a twisted pair port solely for
management (EXT MGMT), you can configure iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II to accept IP-
based management traffic from any of its three ports. You can enable management
on more than one port, or you can disable management on all of the ports, if desired.
These switches limit only IP-based management. Host-to- Remote management is IP-
less and is never blocked from the fiber port. Serial port management of the Host
unit is always available on the DB-9 port regardless of the DIP switch settings.
In addition to defining which ports are used to manage the iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II
units, the management DIP switch settings also define what ports the flow of the
network provider’s Management Domain traffic can take through the unit. By
configuring a unique Management Domain, a Host/Remote pair of units can extend a
secure-management LAN to a remote location to manage other equipment at the
remote site.
IV - Installation Instructions
Each iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II module requires two slots in an iMediaChassis or
MediaChassis. To install the module in a chassis, remove the blank faceplates
covering the slots where you want to install the module. Then slide the module into
the chassis card guides until the module is seated securely in the connector. Secure
the module to the chassis by tightening the captive screw.
The iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II module includes on-board SNMP logic. A chassis other
than an iMediaChassis series cannot manage an iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II, so the iMcV-
Giga-FiberLinX-II must be managed independently.
When installed in an iMediaChassis, you can manage the iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II
module from the chassis by using the Unified Management Agent (UMA).
more information about using UMA with iConfig, iMediaChassis and iMcV-Giga-
iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II modules not managed by UMA must have an IP address
Small Form-Factor Pluggable Ports (SFP)
iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II modules are available with one or two optional SFP port(s).
You must use a 1000 Mbps speed SFP for fiber connections or any gigabit copper SFP
(1000 Mbps or 10/100/100 Mbps). In addition, many SFPs, including those from
IMC Networks, feature enhanced diagnostics capabilities with a Digital Diagnostics
Monitoring Interface (DDMI). DDMI statistics provide real-time access to transceiver
operating parameters such as voltage, temperature, laser bias current, and both
transmitted and received optical power. DDMI information can be accessed in
iView2 by clicking Tables
SFP Info.
iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II has been tested with the IMC Networks SFP modules. You
can install any MSA-compliant SFP module. However, IMC Networks does not
guarantee the functionality of non-IMC Networks SFP modules due to possible non-
conformity with MSA design standards.
V - Software Configuration
The following sections describe the features you can configure. Refer to the iView²
online help for iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II module configuration information.
Assigning IP Information
When the iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II is installed in an iMediaChassis, you can use UMA
to manage your iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II without an IP address (refer to the iView²
online help for more information on UMA). When the iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II is not
installed in an iMediaChassis, SNMP-management is not accessible until the iMcV-
Giga-FiberLinX-II IP information (e.g., IP address, subnet mask, etc.) is configured
(using iConfig, a serial port DB-9 connection, or DHCP). After assigning iMcV-Giga-
FiberLinX-II an IP address, you can use iView² or another SNMP-compatible Network
Management System (NMS) to remotely configure, monitor and manage the iMcV-
Autonegotiation, Duplex Mode, and Speed
The DATA port (non-SFP version) and EXT MGMT port on the iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II
module autonegotiate for speed and duplex mode. This module also provides the
option of selectively advertising or forcing the speed and duplex mode. Refer to Port
AutoCross Feature for Twisted Pair Connection
All twisted pair ports on the iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II include AutoCross, a feature that
automatically selects between a crossover workstation and a straight-through
connection depending on the connected device. Refer to Port Configuration on page
19 for more information.
The iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II ships from the factory with autonegotiation enabled on
the twisted-pair and fiber ports. In this mode, the ports negotiate for speed and
Forcing the Speed and Duplex Mode
You can manually set the twisted-pair ports on the iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II for 10
Mbps or 100 Mbps operation at Half- or Full-Duplex (i.e., 10 Mbps FDX, 10 Mbps
HDX, 100 Mbps FDX, etc.). The OPTICS port operates at 1000 FDX. The FX port
for more information.
Selective Advertising
Selective Advertising, when used in combination with autonegotiation, advertises only
the configured speed and duplex mode for the twisted pair port. If a specific speed
and/or duplex mode are desired, IMC Networks recommends using Selective
Advertising, rather than Force Mode, when connecting to devices that only use
Bandwidth Control
Link Speed
Speed Increments
The iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II includes bi-
directional bandwidth control in increments of
244 Kbps per second at gigabit speed
(configurable via iView2). This allows you to
independently set the bandwidth limit from the
DATA Port to the OPTICS (or UPLINK) Port and vice versa in a single iMcV-Giga-
FiberLinX-II application. In a dual iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II application you can set it
from the Host unit to the Remote unit and vice versa (i.e., the bandwidth on the
DATA ports on both the Host and Remote modules can be limited independently).
Management packets do not have priority over data packets.
FX/TX LinkLoss and FiberAlert
During normal operation, link integrity pulses are transmitted by all point-to-point
Ethernet devices. When an iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II receives valid link pulses, it
knows the device to which it is connected is up, and the copper or fiber cable
coming from that device is intact. The appropriate “LNK” (link) LED is lit to indicate
this. For troubleshooting information using the LinkLoss and FiberAlert features of the
iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II modules, refer to Troubleshooting at the end of this manual.
The FiberAlert and LinkLoss features cause data interruptions designed to
alert remote sites of line failures. These data interruptions can be
misinterpreted as module failures when these features are enabled. Enable
these features only when the resulting data interruptions and causes are well
FX LinkLoss
FX LinkLoss is a link integrity monitoring feature that forwards fiber link faults to the
RJ-45 DATA port to indicate that a fiber link fault has occurred.
TX LinkLoss
TX LinkLoss is a link integrity monitoring feature that forwards an RJ-45 link fault to
the fiber connected device to indicate that a link fault has occurred.
FiberAlert minimizes the problems associated with the loss of one strand of fiber.
Normally when a single strand of fiber is lost, the transmitting side of the connection
is unaware that there is a fault. FiberAlert returns faults back on the fiber they came
in on.
Using LinkLoss and FiberAlert
In a typical central site to remote site media conversion, it is recommended that you
enable the LinkLoss and FiberAlert features as indicated in the following:
FiberAlert and LinkLoss
Fault Location
Port affected
TX LinkLoss
FX LinkLoss
Remote Side Only
Remote Side (or both)
Host Side (or both)
Twisted Pair
Twisted Pair
Do not enable FiberAlert on both modules when using iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II
in pairs. This will cause them to lock up when a fault occurs on the fiber.
Only enable FiberAlert on the remote module
Link Fault Pass-Through
Link Fault Pass-Through (LFPT) is a troubleshooting feature that combines TX and FX
LinkLoss from both the local and remote iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II modules. LFPT is
enabled by turning on both FX and TX LinkLoss on both modules. This feature allows
either end of the conversion to detect a link fault occurring at the other end of the
media conversion chain:
A cable fault occurs on the remote twisted pair.
TX LinkLoss detects the fault and disables the OPTICS (or UPLINK) port.
FX LinkLoss detects the fiber loss and disables the DATA port.
The link fault is passed through the media conversion and is observed at each end. It
acts just like it would if the devices were directly connected.
FiberAlert can also be added to the remote side of the pair to further assist in
locating a fault.
Loopback Testing on Remote or Standalone
The following functions are available during loopback testing. During loopback
testing, management traffic entering the uplink port is still capable of managing the
Address Swap
A Layer 2 Ethernet switch will discard all received packets with the same MAC
address as sent packets. To avoid this issue the Loopback feature can swap the
source and destination MAC addresses on the looped data.
Address Swap and Clear Multicast Bit
In addition to swapping the source and destination MAC addresses on the looped
data, the Loopback feature can also be set to clear the multicast bit. This allows the
looped data to avoid being blocked by any multicast settings.
No Learning on OPTICS and DATA Ports
The Loopback feature can be set to disable address learning on the OPTICS (or
UPLINK) and DATA ports, allowing the loopback to be performed without
interference from MAC address filtering functions. This is a function on the HOST
unit. Set the REMOTE unit for Loopback then set the HOST to disable learning so
Loopback frames pass from the OPTICS port to the DATA port.
VI - Using Telnet
You must assign the iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II an IP address before using a Telnet
session (this is not necessary when you are using UMA). Refer to the Assigning IP
Information section for more information. All of the configurations that you can
perform from the serial port can also be performed using a Telnet session. You can
only use one Telnet session at a time.
The three levels for Telnet account access are:
User–view status, change own password, and reboot.
Operator–all User privileges mentioned above, plus ability to change
Administrator–operator privileges mentioned above, plus ability to
add/delete accounts and reinitialize the unit to default settings (cleandb).
Serial Configuration/Telnet Session
The following sections describe serial configuration (including VLAN configuration),
Telnet session configuration, and DHCP configuration.
Some screens may show TX and FX for the port titles where TX = DATA port and
FX = OPTICS (or UPLINK) port.
Serial Port (EXT MGMT)
The serial port is always set to Administrator level. Your password for Telnet
sessions is the password that you set and use in iConfig. Refer to iConfig on page
3 for more information.
Basic Device Configuration
After running through an initial self test, the prompt: “Press <Enter> for Device
Configuration” displays. Press Enter to open the Main Configuration screen:
Saved Values. <These values will be active after reboot>
IP Address
Subnet Mask
DHCP is not active
Default Gateway -
Server IP Addr -
New PROM File
- filename
Current Values. <These values are in use now>
IP Address
Subnet Mask
Default Gateway -
Server IP Addr -
New PROM File
- filename
Community String: public
Access: r/w
Press I to enter new saved parameter values. Press P to change Password.
Press T to enter new Trap Destination. Press K to remove ALL Trap Destinations.
Press C to enter new Community String. Press U to remove ALL Community Strings.
Press E to End session. Type REBOOT to reboot unit. Press D for DHCP On/Off.
Press SpaceBar for additional commands.
This screen contains the following information and options:
Saved and Current Values
Saved values display the changes made during the current session and current values
display the values currently in use:
IP Address (IP address of SNMP agent)
Subnet Mask (mask to define IP subnet to which agent is connected)
Default Gateway (default router for IP traffic outside of the subnet)
Server IP Address (TFTP server)
New PROM File (TFTP new file name)
Commands List
= enter new Saved Parameter Values
= change the Password
= enter new Trap Destinations
= remove All Trap Destinations
= create SNMP Community Strings
= delete All SNMP Community Strings
End the session*
REBOOT = Allows you to Reboot the unit (may result in short data loss)
= Allows you to enable or disable DHCP
Space Bar = Opens the device specific configuration options screen.
* Individuals with User-level rights can view only port status and port settings, change
their password, end a session, and reboot the unit.
After making any modifications to the Saved Values, reboot the unit for your
changes to take effect. To reboot, type the word reboot at the prompt on the
Main Configuration screen.
(I) - Assigning IP Information
Press to modify the Saved Parameter Values (i.e., assign the IP address and subnet
mask). You will be prompted to enter the IP address and subnet mask for the
connected device. Press Enter after each entry. You can also assign a default
gateway to allow the unit to be visible beyond the local network (press Enter to skip).
If a gateway is not defined, the unit is visible only from the local network, not through
the routers. When finished, press Enter, then type reboot for the changes to take
effect. The Current Values on the Main Configuration screen are updated to match
the Saved Values.
(P) - Password Protection/Changing Passwords
Passwords have the following requirements:
The password must be between 1 and 8 characters long
The password consists of a combination of any ASCII characters except
Passwords are case sensitive
You can password protect the serial port by pressing
in the Main Configuration
screen. You will be prompted to enter a password. Enter your password (do not use
spaces), and then press Enter. You will then be prompted for your password
whenever you log on. To remove password protection, select
entering a password, press Enter
and instead of
Passwords are a way to make the management of the IMC Networks devices secure.
It is your responsibility to store and maintain the password lists. If the passwords are
lost, neither you nor IMC Networks has a way to "decode" it. Refer to the iView²
iConfig online help for more password information.
If the serial password is forgotten, you must contact tech support for assistance in
resetting the password. If the iConfig username and password are forgotten, you can
launch a console session through the serial port, and type the command, cleandb. If
both the serial and the iConfig passwords are forgotten, you must contact technical
(T) - Assigning SNMP Trap Destinations
Traps are sent by the manageable device to a management PC when a certain event
takes place. To enter a trap destination, press T. At the prompt, “Enter a New IP
Address,” type the IP address of the destination device, and then press Enter. Next,
type the name of the community string (that the destination device has been
configured to accept) and press Enter. Select whether the trap is for SNMP version
or 2c and press Enter. This function enables all of the device traps. When you want
to selectively activate and de-activate traps, use iConfig to configure your device.
Supported traps include: Link Down, Link Up, Cold Start, Warm Start, and
Authentication Failure.
When deployed in pairs, iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II also supports the following traps:
Remote Unit Lost
Remote Unit Found
Far End TX Link Up
Far End TX Link Down
Remote Unit Cold Start
Remote Unit Warm Start
(K) - Removing All SNMP Trap Destinations
To remove all trap destinations, press . You will then be prompted, “Are you sure
you want to delete all trap destinations?” Press
to continue, press
to abort. Press
Enter to finish.
This function will delete all trap destinations. If you want to be able to selectively
delete trap destinations or select the type of trap reported or not reported, use
iConfig to configure your device.
(C) - Creating SNMP Community Strings
The default community string is named “public” and has read/write access. It is
recommended that you create custom community strings (with read-only access for
general use and another with read/write access for the administrator) and test them
before deleting “public.” To create a new community string, go to the main
configuration screen and press C. Enter the name of the new community (up to 16
characters, no spaces) and press Enter. Next, type one of the following to assign the
community string’s access rights:
= read-only access •
= read/write access • Enter = abort
(U) - Deleting All SNMP Community Strings
To delete all community strings and start over, press
U. You will then be prompted,
“Are you sure you want to delete all community strings?” Press
to proceed,
abort. Press Enter to finish.
This function will delete all community strings. If you want to be able to selectively
delete community strings, use iConfig to configure your device.
(E) - Ending Your Session
Ensure you press
to end the session before disconnecting the serial cable. This will
stop the continuous stream of data that is sent to the serial port.
(REBOOT) – Reboot Device
By typing REBOOT, the device will restart, which will result in a temporary loss of
operation of the unit while it re-initializes.
(D) – Enabling DHCP
By pressing
D, a screen displays allowing you to enable or disable DHCP for the
device. By default, the DHCP client is disabled.
(Space Bar)—Commands List
The iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II also includes several device-specific options. To access
these options, press the space bar from the Main Configuration screen, type the
command name of the action you want to perform (as shown below) and press Enter
Reboot With Clean Database
File Download
Display Port Statistics
Display Port RMON Statistics
Show Firmware Version
Reboot Unit
Configure Non-Standard Network Settings
Display And Change Port Settings
Set mode of operation
Add or Delete Username/Password Accounts
Change System Descriptions
Display And Change Unit Settings
Display And Change Bandwidth Settings
Display SFP DDMI Info
Press RETURN To Go Back To Main Screen.
Command Description
See Page
Allows Reboot of the unit with a clean database.
Downloads firmware from Server IP address using
Command Description
See Page
Displays interface statistics.
Displays RMON statistics.
Displays the firmware and hardware version
Reboots the unit.
Allows non-standard network configuration.
Display/configure port status values.
Configure VLAN and Transparent modes of operation.
Add/delete Username/Password accounts.
Enter the MIB-II system description information.
Display and change unit settings.
Display and change bandwidth settings.
Display SFP diagnostics (SFP versions only).
Clean Database—cleandb
There are two levels of cleandb: The first level resets the Telnet/iConfig password and
all of the SNMP database values. The second level additionally resets the IP address,
IP Subnet, Gateway, VLAN settings, CLI command settings, serial port password, and
security settings.
Downloading Files—download
The iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II allows you to download firmware from a central server by
using TFTP. To download firmware by using either a serial connection or a Telnet
session, do the following:
1. In the Main Configuration screen, enter the TFTP server IP Address and the
name of the PROM file you want to download (case sensitive).
2. Reboot the unit to make these settings current.
3. Press the Space Bar from the Command List section in the Main Configuration
screen. The Device-Specific Options screen displays.
4. Type download, and then press Enter. The Download a File screen displays with
the IP Address of the TFTP server and the name of the file you want to download.
Confirm that the server IP address and the filename are correct.
5. Press Enter. The release notes are displayed. Use the space bar to page through
the notes.
6. When you reach the end of the notes, press
to start downloading the file.
7. The download progress displays and ends with a successful download message or
with an error message.
8. Press
or F4 to return to the Device-Specific Options screen.
When the iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II is installed in a managed chassis, you have the
option of using UMA to update the firmware (refer to the iView2 online help for more
information on using UMA with iConfig, iMediaChassis and iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II).
Port Configuration—port
The iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II allows you to view port status and configure some port
features from a serial connection or a Telnet session. In the Commands List, type
port, and then press Enter to access the Port Status/Control screen.
In the Port Status Values area of this screen you can view the link status, link lost
counter, duplex status, and port speed.
Port Status Values
EXT Mgmt
Link Status
Link Lost Cntr
Duplex Status
Port Speed
1000 Mbits
1000 Mbits
1000 Mbits
------------------------- Port Control Settings ---------------------------
EXT Mgmt
Port Enable
Admin Status
Port Speed Ctrl
Advertise Ctrl
Advertise FlowC
Force FlowCtrl
Advert All
Adv Flow
Flow Auto
Advert All
Adv Flow
Flow Auto
Frc FlowCt
Unit FlowControl Ena. FlowC
Use Arrow Keys To Move Cursor. Press Space Bar To Change Value.
Press RETURN To Set New Value. Press Q Or F4 To Exit
Copper SFP settings in the Optics column may be different. In the Port Control
Settings area of the Port screen you can set the following:
Port Enable–Allows you to enable or disable the port. Both Port Enable and Admin
Status must be enabled (enabled and up) to enable the port. This setting can be
disabled from iView2.
Admin Status–Allows you to enable (Up) or disable (Down) the port. Both Port
Enable and Admin Status must be enabled (enabled and up) to enable the port. This
setting can be disabled from MIB-II compatible software.
Port Speed Ctrl–Allows you to set the port for autonegotiation or to force one of the
following speeds:
10/100/1000 Mbps Half-Duplex
10/100/1000 Mbps Full-Duplex
Advertise Ctrl–Selective advertising is used in combination with autonegotiation to
advertise your selected speed and duplex mode for the DATA and EXT MGMT ports.
This allows you to advertise all speeds and duplex modes. You must enable
autonegotiation for selective advertising to work.
If a specific speed and/or duplex mode are desired, IMC Networks recommends
using selective advertising, instead of force mode (FO), when connecting to
devices that can only autonegotiate. For the FO uplink versions, the port is
always force flow control 1000 FDX and cannot be changed.
Advertise FlowC and Force FlowCtrl–the following are Advertise Control features. In
Port Control Settings, enable Unit FlowControl, and then configure each port
individually. Press the space bar to toggle to the function you want to enable:
Advertise FlowC
Force FlowCtrl
Autonegotiation and
Flow Control
Adv Flow
Flow Auto
without Flow Control
Flow Control with
Force Port Speed
(port speed control)
Adv No Flow
Adv Flow
Frc FlowCt
All RJ-45 ports feature Flow Control in Full-Duplex and Back Pressure Flow control in
Half-Duplex. Back Pressure Flow Control is a hardware based flow control that forces
collisions on the line to limit bandwidth.
Unit FlowControl–enable or disable Flow Control for the unit. Before configuring
each port individually, enable this global function.
Mode Configuration
The iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II can be configured to allow several combinations of VLAN
tagging and management. This manual refers to the most useful combinations as
modes. The applications of these modes are described in detail in the Application
Examples section.
Default (for initial setup purposes only)
Transparent (Untagged Management, Tagged Management, Extra Tagging
VLAN Defined (Port VLAN, VLAN Filtering)
Default mode is the factory default and is provided as a starting point from which
to configure the iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II modules. This mode does not provide full
management isolation and is not recommended for normal use.
This section describes the Telnet/serial port screens and fields available for configuring
the iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II modes.
The iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II modes are configured using the config command from
the Device-Specific Options screen. This opens the Transparent Mode screen or the
VLAN Mode screen depending on the current configuration.
Transparent Mode
The Transparent Mode screen is displayed when the iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II module
is configured in Default mode or Transparent mode.
Transparent Mode – with either (not both) Data and Optics Mgmt DIP switches
set to on, all traffic passes between Optics and Data ports EXCEPT what has
been defined as the Management Domain. The Management Domain can either be
defined as untagged traffic or traffic with a specified VLAN ID.
In Transparent Mode with BOTH Optics and Data Mgmt DIP switches set to off,
all traffic passes between the Optics and Data ports.
Default Mode – the unit passes only Untagged Packets.
The unit is currently in Default Mode.
Enter Y for Transparent Mode, N for no Transparent Mode or <enter> to
move to other options [ Y ]
Transparent Mode Setup Screen
After entering
in the Transparent Mode screen, the Transparent Mode Setup screen
Transparent Mode – with either (not both) Data and Optics Mgmt DIP switches
set to on, all traffic passes between Optics and Data port EXCEPT what has
been defined as the Management Domain. The Management Domain can either be
defined as untagged traffic or traffic with a specified VLAN ID.
Default Mode – the unit passes only Untagged Packets.
The unit is currently in Default Mode.
Enter Y for Transparent Mode, N for no Transparent Mode or <Enter> to move to
other options [Y]
The mode has changed, a reboot is necessary after all changes have been
completed. Enter S or F3 to exit with saving, Q or F4 to exit without saving.
You may press any other key to proceed to the VLAN screen.
Note: If the units are configured in a Host/Remote configuration,
enabling Transparent is an option. Standalone units do support
Transparent mode.
In this screen you can set the Extra Tag Mode.
Transparent Mode Setup
This parameter allows you to use all untagged data as the management domain by
, or allows you to define a VLAN ID tag for the management domain by
Y. When you enter , this field expands to display the Management Tag
field and the Management Priority field.
Is a VLAN tag required on Management packets? [ Y ]
The Management Tag is [7
Management Priority is [0
Are VLAN Tags required on the EXT Port?
[ N ]
Do you want to enter the Extra Tag mode? Enter Y for Extra Tagging.
Enter N if you do not want Extra Tags [ N ]
Type S or F3 to save the new information
Type Q of F4 to quit and cancel changes
If the device is currently managed on any port other than the EXT MGMT
port, do not leave the Management Tag field defined as zero (0). This will
disable management traffic on the iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II. You must enter a
VLAN ID between 1 and 4094 (excluding the VLAN ID used for the Extra Tag).
Transparent with Extra-Tagging
This parameter allows you to add a VLAN ID tag to all traffic (tagged or untagged)
arriving on the DATA port by entering Y. This ID can optionally be kept or removed
when leaving the DATA port. If you choose to keep the tag, the unit passes only
frames with this tag. When you enter Y, this field expands to display the Data Tag,
Data Priority, and Leave Tags on Data Port.
Is a VLAN tag required on Management packets? [ N ]
Do you want to enter the Extra Tag mode? Enter Y for Extra Tagging.
Enter N if you do not want Extra Tags [ Y ]
The Data Tag is
Data Priority is
[20 ]
Are Extra Tags left on the Data Port?
[ N ]
[ N ]
Are VLAN Tags required on the EXT Port?
Type S or F3 to save the new information
Type Q of F4 to quit and cancel changes
Reboot is required for any change to take affect.
Transparent with VLAN Tag on EXT MGMT Port
This parameter allows you to restrict the EXT MGMT port to only accept data tagged
with the management VLAN ID by entering
Is a VLAN tag required on Management packets? [ Y ]
The Management Tag is [7
Management Priority is [0
Are VLAN Tags required on the EXT Port?
[ N]
Do you want to enter the Extra Tag mode? Enter Y for Extra Tagging.
Enter N if you do not want Extra Tags [ N ]
Type S or F3 to save the new information
Type Q of F4 to quit and cancel changes
Reboot is required for any change to take affect.
VLAN Mode Screen
When you enter
screen displays:
in the Transparent Mode Setup screen (page 22), the VLAN Mode
Saved VLAN Values <Active after reboot>. Current VLAN Values <Active now>.
Current Saved
Optics [0
Data [0
Data VLANs are used only
[0 ]
[0 ]
[0 ]
[0 ]
[ N ] if Tags are enabled on both
[ N ] the Optics and Data Ports.
Management VLAN
EXT Mgmt Tag
[0 ]
[0 ]
[ N ]
Data Vlans <Optics <----> Data>
VLAN 1 [0
VLAN 2 [0
VLAN 3 [0
VLAN 4 [0
VLAN 5 [0
VLAN 6 [0
VLAN 7 [0
VLAN 8 [0
VLAN 9 [0
VLAN 10 [0
VLAN 11 [0
] VLAN 12 [0
] VLAN 13 [0
] VLAN 14 [0
] VLAN 15 [0
] VLAN 16 [0
] VLAN 17 [0
] VLAN 18 [0
] VLAN 19 [0
] VLAN 20 [0
] VLAN 21 [0
] VLAN 22 [0
VLAN 23 [0
VLAN 24 [0
VLAN 25 [0
VLAN 26 [0
VLAN 27 [0
VLAN 28 [0
VLAN 29 [0
VLAN 30 [0
VLAN 31 [0
VLAN 32 [0
Valid VLAN IDs are between 1 and 4094. Valid priorities are between 0 and 7.
Type S or F3 to save the changes. Type Q or F4 to quit and cancel changes.
In this screen you can set the following parameters:
Default Mode
Port VLAN on OPTICS (or UPLINK) port
Port VLAN on DATA port
Port VLAN Filter
Management VLAN (available with all selections by default)
Default Mode
In the Tags column of both the Optics row and Data row, type
for Default mode.
Saved VLAN Values <Active after reboot>. Current VLAN Values <Active now>.
Current Saved
Optics [0
Data [0
Data VLANs are used only
[0 ]
[0 ]
[0 ]
[0 ]
[ N ] if Tags are enabled on both
[ N ] the Optics and Data Ports.
Management VLAN
EXT Mgmt Tag
[0 ]
[0 ]
[ N ]
No VLANs are defined allowing only untagged packets to pass through the unit.
Port VLAN on OPTICS (or UPLINK) port
This parameter allows you to restrict traffic to a single VLAN ID tag for the OPTICS (or
UPLINK) port by entering
in the Tags column of the Optics row. In the VLAN IDs -
Saved column of the Data row, enter the VLAN ID tag to be used (in this example,
13). This VLAN ID will be added to all untagged traffic entering the DATA port and
removed from all traffic leaving the DATA port.
Saved VLAN Values <Active after reboot>. Current VLAN Values <Active now>.
Current Saved
Optics [0
Data [0
Data VLANs are used only
[0 ]
[0 ]
[0 ]
[0 ]
[ Y ] if Tags are enabled on both
[ N ] the Optics and Data Ports.
[13 ]
Management VLAN
EXT Mgmt Tag
[0 ]
[0 ]
[ N ]
Data VLANs <Optics <----> Data>
VLAN 1 [0
VLAN 2 [0
VLAN 3 [0
VLAN 4 [0
VLAN 5 [0
VLAN 6 [0
VLAN 7 [0
VLAN 8 [0
VLAN 9 [0
VLAN 10 [0
VLAN 11 [0
] VLAN 12 [0
] VLAN 13 [0
] VLAN 14 [0
] VLAN 15 [0
] VLAN 16 [0
] VLAN 17 [0
] VLAN 18 [0
] VLAN 19 [0
] VLAN 20 [0
] VLAN 21 [0
] VLAN 22 [0
VLAN 23 [0
VLAN 24 [0
VLAN 25 [0
VLAN 26 [0
VLAN 27 [0
VLAN 28 [0
VLAN 29 [0
VLAN 30 [0
VLAN 31 [0
VLAN 32 [0
Valid VLAN IDs are between 1 and 4094. Valid priorities are between 0 and 7.
Type S or F3 to save the changes. Type Q or F4 to quit and cancel changes.
Port VLAN on DATA Port
Restrict traffic to a single VLAN ID tag for the DATA port by entering
in the Tags
column of the Data row. In the VLAN IDs–Saved column of the Optics row, enter
the VLAN ID tag to use (in this example, 13). The VLAN ID will be added to all
untagged traffic entering the OPTICS (or UPLINK) port and removed from all traffic
leaving the OPTICS (or UPLINK) port.
Saved VLAN Values <Active after reboot>. Current VLAN Values <Active now>.
Current Saved
Data VLANs are used only
Optics [0
[13 ]
[0 ]
[0 ]
[0 ]
[0 ]
[ N ] if Tags are enabled on both
[ Y ] the Optics and Data Ports.
Management VLAN
EXT Mgmt Tag
[0 ]
[0 ]
[ N ]
Data VLANs <Optics <----> Data>
VLAN 1 [0
VLAN 2 [0
] VLAN 12 [0
] VLAN 13 [0
VLAN 23 [0
VLAN 24 [0
Port VLAN Filter
Use the Port VLAN filter to pass traffic with up to 32 separate VLAN IDs between the
OPTICS (or UPLINK) port and the DATA port. To enable the Data VLANS fields, you
must enter
in the Tags column for both the Optics row and Data row. Enter up to
32 VLAN IDs in the Data VLANs fields, plus one for SNMP.
Saved VLAN Values <Active after reboot>. Current VLAN Values <Active now>.
Current Saved
Optics [0
Data [0
Data VLANs are used only
[0 ]
[0 ]
[0 ]
[0 ]
[ Y ] if Tags are enabled on both
[ Y ] the Optics and Data Ports.
Management VLAN
EXT Mgmt Tag
[0 ]
[0 ]
[ N ]
Data VLANs <Optics <----> Data>
VLAN 1 [0
VLAN 2 [0
VLAN 3 [0
VLAN 4 [0
VLAN 5 [0
VLAN 6 [0
VLAN 7 [0
VLAN 8 [0
VLAN 9 [0
VLAN 10 [0
VLAN 11 [0
[900 ] VLAN 12 [0
[901 ] VLAN 13 [0
[902 ] VLAN 14 [0
[903 ] VLAN 15 [0
[904 ] VLAN 16 [0
[905 ] VLAN 17 [0
[906 ] VLAN 18 [0
[907 ] VLAN 19 [0
[908 ] VLAN 20 [0
[909 ] VLAN 21 [0
[910 ] VLAN 22 [0
[911 ]
[912 ]
[913 ]
[914 ]
[915 ]
[916 ]
[917 ]
[918 ]
[919 ]
[920 ]
[921 ]
VLAN 23 [0
VLAN 24 [0
VLAN 25 [0
VLAN 26 [0
VLAN 27 [0
VLAN 28 [0
VLAN 29 [0
VLAN 30 [0
VLAN 31 [0
VLAN 32 [0
[922 ]
[923 ]
[924 ]
[925 ]
[926 ]
[927 ]
[928 ]
[909 ]
[930 ]
[931 ]
Valid VLAN IDs are between 1 and 4094. Valid priorities are between 0 and 7.
Type S or F3 to save the changes. Type Q or F4 to quit and cancel changes.
Management VLAN and EXT MGMT Tag
This selection is available for all VLAN modes except for the default mode. Configure
a VLAN ID for management traffic by entering an ID in the VLAN IDs – Saved column
of the SNMP row (in this example, 200).
The EXT MGMT tag parameter provides the option of adding the defined
Management VLAN ID to all untagged traffic entering the EXT MGMT port (EXT
Mgmt Tag = N) or restricting the EXT MGMT port to pass only traffic bearing this
VLAN ID (EXT Mgmt Tag = Y)
Saved VLAN Values <Active after reboot>. Current VLAN Values <Active now>.
Current Saved
[0 ]
[0 ]
Data VLANs are used only
Optics [0
[0 ]
[0 ]
[ Y ] if Tags are enabled on
[ Y ] the Optics and Data Ports.
[13 ]
[13 ]
Management VLAN
EXT Mgmt Tag
If the device is currently managed on any port other than the EXT MGMT
port, do not leave the Management Tag field defined as zero (0). This will
disable management traffic on the iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II. You must enter a
VLAN ID between 1 and 4094 (excluding the VLAN IDs used for the Port
VLAN or for the Data VLANs).
Unit Configuration
The iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II allows you to view unit status as well as configure some
unit features by using a serial connection or a Telnet session. In the Main
Configuration screen, press the space bar, type unit, and press Enter to open the Unit
Control Settings screen. In this screen you can view the unit FlowControl,
FiberAlert/LinkLoss, Loopback, Maximum Frame Size, and 802.1p Base Priority
(logging-in as a User in a Telnet session allows you to view these settings but prevents
you from changing the settings).
------------------------- Unit Control Settings -----------------------------
Unit FlowControl
Unit FiberAlert
Unit LoopBack
Disable FlowControl Globally
TXLinkLoss Plus FXLinkLoss Enabled
No LoopBack, Normal Traffic Mode
Unit Max FrameSize
802.1p Base Pri
Base Priority
Boot Trap Deplay, Seconds 0
Use Arrow Keys To Move Cursor. Press Space Bar To Change Value.
Press RETURN To Set New Value. Type Q or F4 to Exit.
Unit FlowControl–This allows you to enable/disable Flow Control functionality on
the unit. You must enable this to use Flow Control on any port. The settings include
the following:
Disable FlowControl Globally
Enable FlowControl If Port Allows
Unit FiberAlert–This allows you to enable/disable FiberAlert and LinkLoss
functionality on the unit. The settings include:
No FiberAlert Or LinkLoss Enabled
FXLinkLoss Only, Enabled
TXLinkLoss Only, Enabled
FiberAlert Plus FXLinkLoss Enabled
FiberAlert Plus TXLinkLoss Enabled
TXLinkLoss Plus FXLinkLoss Enabled
TXLinkLoss + FXLinkLoss + FiberAlert Enabled
FiberAlert Only
Unit LoopBack–enable/disable Loopback functionality on the unit. The settings
include the following:
No LoopBack, Normal Traffic Mode
LoopBack Enabled
LoopBack, Src/Dest Address Swap
LoopBack, Address Swap, Clear Multicast bit
No Learning on OPTICS (or UPLINK) or DATA Ports
Unit Max FrameSz–enter the maximum frame size on the unit by using the number
keys. The valid values are 1518 to 12196.
802.1p Base Pri–set the threshold between low and high priority on the unit. For
example, when the Base VLAN Priority is set to 4, priority settings of 0 through 3 are
low priority and settings of 4 through 7 are high priority. When the Base VLAN
Priority is set to 3, priority settings of 0 through 2 are low priority and priority settings
of 3 through 7 are high priority.
Boot Trap Delay, Seconds–set the number of seconds before a Warm Start trap is
sent by the agent. For example, 0.
Bandwidth Configuration
The iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II allows you to view bandwidth status and to configure
bandwidth from a serial connection or a Telnet session. In the Main Configuration
screen, press the space bar, type bw and, then press Enter to access the Bandwidth
Control Settings screen:
------------------------- Bandwidth Control Settings -----------------------------
Optics Port
Data Port
RX Bandwidth Limit, 0 For None
TX Bandwidth Limit, 0 For None
Unit RateControl Enable/Disable
Use Arrow Keys To Move Cursor. Press Space Bar To Change Value.
Press RETURN To Set New Value. Press Q or F4 to Exit.
This screen includes the following parameters:
Receive Bandwidth Limit (policing)
Transmit Bandwidth Limit (shaping)
Unit Rate Control
RX Bandwidth Limit–allows you to set the receive bandwidth limit (up to 1000
Mbps) for both the DATA port and OPTICS (or UPLINK) port. Entering a setting of
either 0 or 1000000000 will result in a limit of 1000 Mbps. When the received data
reaches the set limit in a one second interval, the unit stops receiving data. If flow
control is enabled, then flow control begins prior to reaching the set limit.
TX Bandwidth Limit–allows you to set the transmit bandwidth limit (up to 1000
Mbps) for both the DATA and OPTICS (or UPLINK) ports. Entering a setting of either
0 or 1000000000 will result in a limit of 1000 Mbps. When the transmit data
reaches the set limit in a one second interval, the unit stops transmitting data, but will
continue to receive until all the internal buffers are filled. If flow control is enabled,
then flow control begins before all the buffers are filled.
It is not recommended to set both the RX and TX Bandwidth limits at the
same time.
Unit RateControl Enable/Disable–enable or disable the bandwidth limiting feature
on this unit.
VII - Application Overview
Before using iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II in your network, decide the following:
Will iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II units be located at only one or at both ends of
the fiber?
How do you want to manage the iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II units?
Will you define VLAN IDs?
How many iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II units will you use?
Two for Host/Remote applications–allows IP-less management providing
greater security (only with an SNMP management module)
One for a single unit application–requires an assigned IP address for
How do you want to manage iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II?
You can manage iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II through any of its three ports (and any
combination thereof) or from the chassis. Using only the EXT MGMT port or UMA
provides the highest level of security. If management must be through either the
DATA port or UPLINK port, then a unique VLAN tag is recommended to maintain
Will you define VLAN IDs?
When you want to use VLAN traffic with specific tags on any/all of the DATA ports,
you will need to disable Transparency and define VLAN IDs (refer to VLAN
Configuration section). When you want to use both VLAN tagged, untagged, or
double-tagged traffic, enable Transparency. When you want to use only untagged
traffic, set the unit to Default mode.
VIII - Application Examples
The following are application examples of the different VLAN configuration modes
available using the iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II. If you require assistance configuring an
application, email IMC Networks Technical Support at
The application modes include the following:
Transparent with Untagged Management
Transparent with Tagged Management
Transparent with Extra Tagging (Q-in-Q)
Port VLAN Filter
When configuring VLAN IDs, remember that you can use any VLAN ID between 1
and 4,094. The VLAN IDs used in the following applications are for example
purposes only.
Default mode passes only untagged data between the DATA port and the OPTICS (or
UPLINK) port. This mode is the factory default and is provided as a starting point
from which to configure the iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II modules. It is not intended as a
mode for normal use.
Default Mode does not provide any management traffic protection and is not
recommended for normal use.
Transparent with Untagged Management
Transparent with Untagged Management mode passes tagged traffic between the
DATA port and the OPTICS (or UPLINK) port and allows untagged traffic to be
considered management domain traffic (untagged).
To configure this mode, do the following:
1. Set the management DIP switch ON for the ports using management (in this
example it is the OPTICS (or UPLINK) port: 3 = ON). To enable External
Management (EXT MGMT), set DIP Switch 1 to ON. (otherwise, leave DIP Switch
1 in the OFF position (default from factory) to disable EXT MGMT)
2. Set Transparent Mode to allow both tagged data and untagged management
traffic to pass:
a. In the Main Configuration screen, press the space bar and type config. The
Configuration Screen displays:
Transparent Mode – with either (not both) Data and Optics Mgmt dipswitches
set to on, all traffic passes between Optics and Data port EXCEPT what has
been defined as the Management Domain. The Management Domain can either be
defined as untagged traffic or traffic with a specified VLAN ID.
In Transparent Mode with BOTH Optics and Data Mgmt dipswitches set to off,
all traffic passes between the Optics and Data Ports.
Default Mode – the unit passes only Untagged Packets.
The unit is currently in Default Mode.
Enter Y for Transparent Mode, N for no Transparent Mode or <enter> to
move to other options [ Y ]
b. Enter
in the Transparent Mode field and press any key (except S or Q) to
open the Transparent Mode Setup screen.
Is a VLAN tag required on Management packets? [ N ]
Do you want to enter the Extra Tag mode? Enter Y for Extra Tagging.
Enter N if you do not want Extra Tags [ N ]
Are VLAN Tags required on the EXT Port?
[ N ]
Type S or F3 to save the new information
Type Q of F4 to quit and cancel changes
Reboot is required for any change to take affect.
c. Press
or F3 to save without setting any transparent mode options. This will
set all untagged traffic as management (Is a VLAN tag required on
Management packets? [ N ]).
d. Type reboot. In this mode tagged and untagged data can pass from the
OPTICS and DATA ports. If the EXT MGMT DIP switches are enabled,
untagged packets are allowed access to management.
The flow of management domain traffic is defined by the DIP switches. For
example, if the management DIP switches are on the OPTICS and DATA ports,
management domain traffic is allowed to flow through those ports.
External Management is ON
Tagged Data
Untagged Management
Domain Traffic
Tagged Data and
Domain Traffic
External Management is OFF
Tagged Data Only
Tagged Data and Untagged
Management Data
Transparent with Tagged Management
Transparent with Tagged Management mode passes both tagged and untagged traffic
between the DATA port and the OPTICS (or UPLINK) port. By using a VLAN Tag you
can isolate and route the management path in the module. This method can be used
with or without continuing the management path down the EXT MGMT port.
To configure this mode, do the following:
1. Set the management DIP switch ON for the ports using management (in this
example it is the OPTICS (or UPLINK) 3 = ON and EXT MGMT 1 = ON).
2. Set Transparent Mode to allow both tagged and untagged traffic to pass:
a. In the Main Configuration screen, press the space bar and type config. The
Configuration screen displays:
Transparent Mode – with either (not both) Data and Optics Mgmt DIP switches
set to on, all traffic passes between Optics and Data port EXCEPT what has
been defined as the Management Domain. The Management Domain can either be
defined as untagged traffic or traffic with a specified VLAN ID.
In Transparent Mode with BOTH Optics and Data Mgmt dipswitches set to off,
all traffic passes between the Optics and Data Ports.
Default Mode – the unit passes only Untagged Packets.
The unit is currently in Default Mode.
Enter Y for Transparent Mode, N for no Transparent Mode or <enter> to
move to other options [ Y ]
b. Enter
in the Transparent Mode field and press any key (except S or Q) to
open the Transparent Mode Setup screen.
Transparent Mode – with either (not both) Data and Optics Mgmt DIP switches
set to on, all traffic passes between Optics and Data port EXCEPT what has
been defined as the Management Domain. The Management Domain can either be
defined as untagged traffic or traffic with a specified VLAN ID.
Default Mode – the unit passes only Untagged Packets.
The unit is currently in Default Mode.
Enter Y for Transparent Mode, N for no Transparent Mode or <Enter> to move to
other options [Y]
The mode has changed, a reboot is necessary after all changes have been
completed. Enter S or F3 to exit with saving, Q or F4 to exit without saving.
You may press any other key to proceed to the VLAN screen.
Note: If the units are configured in a Host/Remote configuration,
enabling Transparent is an option. Standalone units do support
Transparent mode.
c. Enter Y in the Is a VLAN tag required on Management packets?
field. The screen displays the management tag fields:
Is a VLAN tag required on Management packets? [ Y ]
The Management Tag is [0
Management Priority is [0
d. Enter the management tag (VLAN ID) and the priority (optional).
Is a VLAN tag required on Management packets? [ Y ]
The Management Tag is [7
Management Priority is [0
e. Ensure the Are VLAN Tags required on the EXT Port?field is set to
Are VLAN Tags required on the EXT Port?
[ N ]
f. Press
or F3 to save the settings. This will set all traffic with VLAN ID 7 as
g. Type reboot
Now the iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II is configured to pass all data between the OPTICS
(UPLINK) and DATA ports, except data tagged with VLAN ID 7. All data tagged with
VLAN ID 7 is considered management traffic and passes from the OPTICS (UPLINK)
port to the EXT MGMT port only. The iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II is configured to
receive untagged data from the twisted pair EXT MGMT port and add the VLAN ID 7
before sending it out of the OPTICS (or UPLINK) port. In this mode the EXT MGMT
port provides a secure link to the management port at the other end of the fiber line.
Untagged Data and Tagged Data
(without management-VLAN #7)
Untagged Data, Tagged Data
including management with
DIP Switch
Transparent with Extra Tagging (Q-in-Q)
Transparent with Extra Tagging mode can add an extra tag to data received on the
DATA port. By using Extra Tagging in a Host/Remote iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II pair, all
data received on the Remote iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II DATA port can be extra-tagged
and sent out of the Host iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II DATA port with a unique tag for
identification in the Host cloud. In the reverse direction the extra tag is removed
before sending the data out of the Remote iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II DATA port.
Do the following to set the Extra Tag Mode on both iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II modules:
1. In the Main Configuration screen, press the space bar and type config. The
Configuration screen displays:
Transparent Mode – with either (not both) Data and Optics Mgmt DIP switches
set to on, all traffic passes between Optics and Data port EXCEPT what has
been defined as the Management Domain. The Management Domain can either be
defined as untagged traffic or traffic with a specified VLAN ID.
In Transparent Mode with BOTH Optics and Data Mgmt DIP switches set to off,
all traffic passes between the Optics and Data Ports.
Default Mode – the unit passes only Untagged Packets.
The unit is currently in Default Mode.
Enter Y for Transparent Mode, N for no Transparent Mode or <enter> to
move to other options [ Y ]
2. In the Transparent Mode field, type
and press any key (except S or Q) to open
the Transparent Mode Setup screen.
Transparent Mode – with either (not both) Data and Optics Mgmt DIP switches
set to on, all traffic passes between Optics and Data port EXCEPT what has
been defined as the Management Domain. The Management Domain can either be
defined as untagged traffic or traffic with a specified VLAN ID.
Default Mode – the unit passes only Untagged Packets.
The unit is currently in Default Mode.
Enter Y for Transparent Mode, N for no Transparent Mode or <Enter> to move to
other options [Y]
The mode has changed, a reboot is necessary after all changes have been
completed. Enter S or F3 to exit with saving, Q or F4 to exit without saving.
You may press any other key to proceed to the VLAN screen.
Note: If the units are configured in a Host/Remote configuration,
enabling Transparent is an option. Standalone units do support
Transparent mode.
3. Enter
in the Do you want to enter the Extra Tag mode?field.
The screen expands to displays the Extra Tag mode fields:
Do you want to enter the Extra Tag mode? Enter Y for Extra Tagging.
Enter N if you do not want Extra Tags [ Y ]
The Data Tag is
Data Priority is
Are Extra Tags left on the Data Port?
[ N ]
Enter the extra tag VLAN ID (for example, 8) and the Priority (optional). These
values must be identical on both iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II modules.
The Data Tag is
Data Priority is
Are Extra Tags left on the Data Port?
[ N ]
4. On the Host iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II module, enter
in the Are Extra Tags
left on the Data Port?field to accept only the Extra Tag VLAN ID on the
DATA port. On the Remote iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II module, enter to have
the Extra Tag VLAN ID added to incoming and removed from outgoing data on
the DATA port.
5. Press
or F3 to save the settings.
6. Type reboot. Repeat steps for second module.
Now the iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II Host/Remote pair are configured to pass only VLAN
ID 8 data from the Host iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II to the Remote iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-
II. VLAN ID 8 tag is removed before sending the data out of the Remote DATA port.
The Extra Tag VLAN ID 8 is added to all data received on the Remote DATA port
before being sent to the Host iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II where the VLAN ID 8 tag
remains on the data leaving the Host DATA port.
and Tagged Data
wrapped in Extra
Tag of VLAN ID=8
and Tagged Data
Host DIP switch
(8) set to ON
Host DIP switch
(7) set to ON
Management is provided through the chassis only.
The Port VLAN mode allows you to configure the iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II to accept
only data tagged with one specific VLAN ID. This mode can be configured for either
the OPTICS (or UPLINK) port or the DATA port.
VLAN on DATA Port–Configuration
To configure this mode, perform the following:
1. In the Main Configuration screen, press the space bar and type config. The
Configuration screen displays:
Transparent Mode – with either (not both) Data and Optics Mgmt dipswitches
set to on, all traffic passes between Optics and Data port EXCEPT what has
been defined as the Management Domain. The Management Domain can either be
defined as untagged traffic or traffic with a specified VLAN ID.
In Transparent Mode with BOTH Optics and Data Mgmt dipswitches set to off,
all traffic passes between the Optics and Data Ports.
Default Mode – the unit passes only Untagged Packets.
The unit is currently in Default Mode.
Enter Y for Transparent Mode, N for no Transparent Mode or <enter> to
move to other options [ N ]
2. Enter
in the Transparent Mode field and press any key (except S or Q) to open
the VLAN screen:
Saved VLAN Values <Active after reboot>. Current VLAN Values <Active now>.
Current Saved
Optics [0
Data [0
Data VLANs are used only
[0 ]
[0 ]
[0 ]
[0 ]
[ N ] if Tags are enabled on both
[ N ] the Optics and Data Ports.
Management VLAN
EXT Mgmt Tag
[0 ]
[0 ]
[ N ]
Data VLANs <Optics <----> Data>
VLAN 1 [0
VLAN 2 [0
VLAN 3 [0
VLAN 4 [0
VLAN 5 [0
VLAN 6 [0
VLAN 7 [0
VLAN 8 [0
VLAN 9 [0
VLAN 10 [0
VLAN 11 [0
] VLAN 12 [0
] VLAN 13 [0
] VLAN 14 [0
] VLAN 15 [0
] VLAN 16 [0
] VLAN 17 [0
] VLAN 18 [0
] VLAN 19 [0
] VLAN 20 [0
] VLAN 21 [0
] VLAN 22 [0
VLAN 23 [0
VLAN 24 [0
VLAN 25 [0
VLAN 26 [0
VLAN 27 [0
VLAN 28 [0
VLAN 29 [0
VLAN 30 [0
VLAN 31 [0
VLAN 32 [0
Valid VLAN IDs are between 1 and 4094. Valid priorities are between 0 and 7.
Type S or F3 to save the changes. Type Q or F4 to quit and cancel changes.
3. Enter
in the Tags column of the Data row and
in the Optics row. Enter a
VLAN ID in the VLAN IDs Current column of the OPTICS row (for example, 13).
Current Saved
Current Saved
Data VLANs are used only
if Tags are enabled on both
the Optics and Data Ports.
Optics [0
[ N ]
[ Y ]
In the SNMP field, type
Current Saved
Optics [0
Data [0
Data VLANs are used only
if Tags are enabled on both
the Optics and Data Ports.
[ N ]
[ Y ]
Management VLAN.........................EXT Mgmt Tag
[ Y ]
4. Press
or F3 to save the settings.
5. Type reboot
Now the iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II is configured to pass only VLAN ID 13 from the
DATA port to the OPTICS (or UPLINK) port. Untagged packets arriving at the
OPTICS (or UPLINK) port (Tags = N) receive a tag (VLAN ID = 13) before being sent
out of the DATA port. The VLAN ID number used for a port must be different than
the number used for the Management VLAN ID tag (VLAN ID=20). The EXT MGMT
must have VLAN=20.
is entered in the EXT MGMT Tag field, the VLAN ID for this port is the value in
the Management VLAN field. In this case, define a VLAN ID in the Management
VLAN field. If the unit is managed through the EXT MGMT port using untagged
frames, the Management VLAN does not need to be defined.
VLAN on OPTIC Port–Configuration
To configure this mode, do the following:
1. In the Main Configuration screen, press the space bar and type config. The
Configuration screen displays:
Transparent Mode – with either (not both) Data and Optics Mgmt dipswitches
set to on, all traffic passes between Optics and Data port EXCEPT what has
been defined as the Management Domain. The Management Domain can either be
defined as untagged traffic or traffic with a specified VLAN ID.
In Transparent Mode with BOTH Optics and Data Mgmt dipswitches set to off,
all traffic passes between the Optics and Data Ports.
Default Mode – the unit passes only Untagged Packets.
The unit is currently in Default Mode.
Enter Y for Transparent Mode, N for no Transparent Mode or <enter> to
move to other options [ N ]
2. Enter
in the Transparent Mode field and press any key (except S or Q) to open
the VLAN screen:
Saved VLAN Values <Active after reboot>. Current VLAN Values <Active now>.
Current Saved
Optics [0
Data [0
Data VLANs are used only
[0 ]
[0 ]
[0 ]
[0 ]
[ N ] if Tags are enabled on both
[ N ] the Optics and Data Ports.
Management VLAN
EXT Mgmt Tag
[0 ]
[0 ]
[ N ]
Data VLANs <Optics <----> Data>
VLAN 1 [0
VLAN 2 [0
VLAN 3 [0
VLAN 4 [0
VLAN 5 [0
VLAN 6 [0
VLAN 7 [0
VLAN 8 [0
VLAN 9 [0
VLAN 10 [0
VLAN 11 [0
] VLAN 12 [0
] VLAN 13 [0
] VLAN 14 [0
] VLAN 15 [0
] VLAN 16 [0
] VLAN 17 [0
] VLAN 18 [0
] VLAN 19 [0
] VLAN 20 [0
] VLAN 21 [0
] VLAN 22 [0
VLAN 23 [0
VLAN 24 [0
VLAN 25 [0
VLAN 26 [0
VLAN 27 [0
VLAN 28 [0
VLAN 29 [0
VLAN 30 [0
VLAN 31 [0
VLAN 32 [0
Valid VLAN IDs are between 1 and 4094. Valid priorities are between 0 and 7.
Type S or F3 to save the changes. Type Q or F4 to quit and cancel changes.
in the Tags column of the Optics row and enter a VLAN ID in the VLAN
IDs Current column of the Data row (for example, 13).
Current Saved
Current Saved
Optics [0
Data [0
Data VLANs are used only
if Tags are enabled on both
the Optics and Data Ports.
[ Y ]
[ N ]
4. Enter a VLAN ID in the Management VLAN IDs field.
Current Saved
Current Saved
Data VLANs are used only
if Tags are enabled on both
the Optics and Data Ports.
Optics [0
[ N ]
[ Y ]
Management VLAN.........................EXT Mgmt Tag
[ N ]
5. Press
or F3 to save the settings.
6. Type reboot
The iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II is now configured to pass only VLAN ID 13 from the
OPTICS (or UPLINK) port to the DATA port. Untagged packets arriving at the DATA
port (Tags = N) receive a tag (VLAN ID = 13) before being sent out of the OPTICS
(or UPLINK) port. The VLAN ID number used for a port must be different than the
number used for the Management VLAN ID.
Management of a host unit through the external port requires an IP address on the
host unit. A remote unit connected over the fiber link is managed through the local
unit using internal IP-less communication. If direct IP management of remote units is
required, then DIP switch #3 must be ON and the remote must have an IP address.
Port VLAN Filter
The VLAN filter mode allows you to isolate a segment of the network to only accept
data using some or all of the 32 available VLAN IDs.
To configure this mode, do the following:
1. In the Main Configuration screen, press the space bar and type config. The
Configuration screen displays:
Transparent Mode – with either (not both) Data and Optics Mgmt dipswitches
set to on, all traffic passes between Optics and Data port EXCEPT what has
been defined as the Management Domain. The Management Domain can either be
defined as untagged traffic or traffic with a specified VLAN ID.
In Transparent Mode with BOTH Optics and Data Mgmt dipswitches set to off,
all traffic passes between the Optics and Data Ports.
Default Mode – the unit passes only Untagged Packets.
The unit is currently in Default Mode.
Enter Y for Transparent Mode, N for no Transparent Mode or <enter> to
move to other options [ N ]
2. Enter
in the Transparent Mode field and press any key (except S or Q) to open
the VLAN screen:
Saved VLAN Values <Active after reboot>. Current VLAN Values <Active now>.
Current Saved
Optics [0
Data [0
Data VLANs are used only
[0 ]
[0 ]
[0 ]
[0 ]
[ N ] if Tags are enabled on both
[ N ] the Optics and Data Ports.
Management VLAN
EXT Mgmt Tag
[20 ]
[0 ]
[0 ]
[ N ]
Data VLANs <Optics <----> Data>
VLAN 1 [0
VLAN 2 [0
VLAN 3 [0
VLAN 4 [0
VLAN 5 [0
VLAN 6 [0
VLAN 7 [0
VLAN 8 [0
VLAN 9 [0
VLAN 10 [0
VLAN 11 [0
] VLAN 12 [0
] VLAN 13 [0
] VLAN 14 [0
] VLAN 15 [0
] VLAN 16 [0
] VLAN 17 [0
] VLAN 18 [0
] VLAN 19 [0
] VLAN 20 [0
] VLAN 21 [0
] VLAN 22 [0
VLAN 23 [0
VLAN 24 [0
VLAN 25 [0
VLAN 26 [0
VLAN 27 [0
VLAN 28 [0
VLAN 29 [0
VLAN 30 [0
VLAN 31 [0
VLAN 32 [0
Valid VLAN IDs are between 1 and 4094. Valid priorities are between 0 and 7.
Type S or F3 to save the changes. Type Q or F4 to quit and cancel changes.
3. Enter
in the Tags column of both the Optics row and the Data row to enable
Data VLANs.
Current Saved
Optics [0
Data [0
Data VLANs are used only
if Tags are enabled on both
the Optics and Data Ports.
[ Y ]
[ Y ]
4. Enter a VLAN ID in the Management VLAN IDs field.
Enter up to 32 VLAN IDs in the Data VLANs rows. VLAN IDs can range from 1 to
4094. Only the VLANs in this list will pass through the unit.
Data VLANs <Optics <----> Data>
VLAN 1 [0
VLAN 2 [0
VLAN 3 [0
VLAN 4 [0
VLAN 5 [0
VLAN 6 [0
VLAN 7 [0
VLAN 8 [0
VLAN 9 [0
VLAN 10 [0
VLAN 11 [0
[101 ] VLAN 12 [0
[102 ] VLAN 13 [0
[103 ] VLAN 14 [0
[104 ] VLAN 15 [0
[105 ] VLAN 16 [0
[106 ] VLAN 17 [0
[107 ] VLAN 18 [0
[108 ] VLAN 19 [0
[109 ] VLAN 20 [0
[110 ] VLAN 21 [0
[111 ] VLAN 22 [0
[112 ]
[113 ]
[114 ]
[115 ]
[116 ]
[117 ]
[118 ]
[119 ]
[120 ]
[121 ]
[122 ]
VLAN 23 [0
VLAN 24 [0
VLAN 25 [0
VLAN 26 [0
VLAN 27 [0
VLAN 28 [0
VLAN 29 [0
VLAN 30 [0
VLAN 31 [0
VLAN 32 [0
[123 ]
[124 ]
[125 ]
[126 ]
[127 ]
[128 ]
[129 ]
[130 ]
[131 ]
[132 ]
5. Press
or F3 to save the settings.
6. Type reboot
Now the iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II is configured to pass only packets with tags
containing the VLAN IDs defined in the Data VLANs table. VLAN ID numbers
defined in this table must not be the same as the number used for the Management
Up to 32
Up to 32
IX - Troubleshooting
If two iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II Host/Remote units are not communicating
properly, make sure one is a Host (DIP switch #8) and the other is a
Remote (DIP switch #7). If the second unit is not configured as a Remote,
it will be recognized as a Standalone unit and the Host and Remote units
will not communicate with each other properly. Setting the OPTICS (or
UPLINK) port management DIP switch #3 to the ON position on both
modules will allow you to perform a simple ping test. This is possible only if
pinging from the computer through the optics uplink port, which is highly
unusual. You must enable the EXT or data switch and connect to the
computer to ping either device.
If you cannot establish a link on a twisted pair port, ensure the cable is in
working order. If not, replace the cable (iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II includes
AutoCross; you should detect a link regardless of the Cat5 E cable type).
If you cannot establish a fiber link, ensure the fiber transceivers on iMcV-
Giga-FiberLinX-II are not over/under driving the fiber receivers. For fiber
Ensure the fiber mode and wavelength on both iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II units
match (i.e., both are 1310 nm single-mode fiber).
Ensure the port speeds on iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II match those on the end
devices connected to iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II. IMC Networks recommends
configuring all connected devices to autonegotiation, or if using Force
mode, ensure speed and duplex settings match.
If using single-strand fiber, ensure the pair of devices is compatible single-
strand fiber devices. For example, an iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II TX/SSFX-
SM1310-SC which transmits 1310 nm and receives 1550 nm must be
connected to a device which transmits 1550 nm and receives 1310 nm.
If using an iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II unit with an SFP port and it is not
functioning properly or at all, ensure the installed SFP module is the correct
speed (1000 Mbps).
When using the FiberAlert feature, ensure that FiberAlert is enabled on only
one unit when connecting two iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II units, or when
connecting an iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II to another IMC Networks media
converter which includes the FiberAlert feature.
If management is not functioning properly, ensure that the DIP switch
settings are accurate for the port you want to manage.
To restore the unit to factory default settings, use the cleandb function via
the serial port (refer to the Device-Specific Options from the Command
Line section for more information). This is especially helpful if you feel you
have configured the module improperly. If restarting to factory defaults is
necessary, IMC Networks recommends using this function on both units in
Host/Remote applications, and then reconfiguring all settings.
Ensure READ/WRITE Community Strings for iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II and
iView² are the same.
Troubleshooting LinkLoss/FiberAlert/Link Fault Pass-Through
The following diagrams show you how the different troubleshooting configurations for
the iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II.
The iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II also sends out link pulses from its copper and fiber
transmitters, but normally has no way of knowing whether the cable to the other
device is intact and the link pulses are reaching the other end. The combination of
FiberAlert and LinkLoss allows this information to be obtained, even when physical
access to a remote device is not available.
FX LinkLoss
Normally when a fault occurs on the fiber segment of an iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II
conversion, only the fiber port LEDs on the modules indicates a fault. None of the
devices connected to the RJ-45 ports are aware of the fault.
When FX LinkLoss is enabled on the iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II module, the fiber
fault is forwarded to that module’s RJ-45 connection. This turns off the link on the
RJ-45 port which can then be detected by the connected device.
TX LinkLoss
When a fault occurs on a twisted pair segment joining a device to an
iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II module, the link fault is not detected by the device connected
to the iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II module by fiber.
When TX LinkLoss is enabled on the remote iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II module, a twisted
pair fault turns off the fiber port transmitter. This allows the fiber-connected device to
detect a link fault. When the fiber uplink port is set to AN, the LED is OFF.
Do not enable FiberAlert at both ends. This can cause the fiber link to lock
When FiberAlert is enabled on the remote module (preferred use), a fault on the
receive side of the OPTICS (or UPLINK) port causes the transmitter side to turn off.
This allows the fiber connected device to detect a fault in its transmission fiber.
Link Fault Pass-Through
IMC Networks Technical Support
Tel: (949) 465-3000 or (800) 624-1070 (in the U.S. and Canada);
+32-16-550880 (Europe)
Fax: (949) 465-3020
Power Consumption (Typical):
0.670 A @ 5 V
Operating Temperature:
32° to 122° F (0° to 50° C)
Storage Temperature:
0° to 160°F (-20° to 70° C)
5 to 95% (non-condensing); 0 to 10,000 ft. altitude
Dual-Slot iMcV module
Read/write IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tags
QoS IEEE 802.1p-based packet prioritization (2 queues [high/low] with 8 levels
of priority)
IEEE 802.3ab 1000Base-T twisted pair
IEEE 802.3z 1000Base-X fiber
IEEE 802.3x Flow Control
IEEE 802.3i 10Base-T twisted pair
IEEE 802.3u 100Base-TX twisted pair
IEEE 802.3u 100Base-FX or SX fiber
Serial Port Pinout
The iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II features a serial port that uses an IBM-compatible DB-9
serial connector. To connect an iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX to your workstation, use a
straight-through (pin-to-pin) cable.
If your workstation has a serial port using a connection not compatible with a DB-9
COM port, use the pin connection chart for reference in making a cable.
Ensure the cable length is less than 50 ft. (15.24 m). Plug one end of the cable into
the DB-9 connector on the iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX and the other into the appropriate
port on your workstation.
Set your workstation for VT-100 emulation. The serial port on the workstation should
be set for:
Pin Configuration Chart
38.4K baud
8 data bits
1 stop bit
no parity
no flow control
Transmit (Out)
Transmit (In)
1, 4, 6-9
Safety Certifications
UL/CUL: Listed to Safety of Information Technology Equipment, including
Electrical Business Equipment.
CE: The products described herein comply with the Council Directive on
Electromagnetic Compatibility (89/336/EEC) and the Council Directive
on Electrical Equipment Designed for use within Certain Voltage Limits
(73/23/EEC). Certified to Safety of Information Technology Equipment,
Including Electrical Business Equipment. For further details, contact
IMC Networks.
Class 1 Laser product, Luokan 1 Laserlaite,
Laser Klasse 1, Appareil A’Laser de Classe 1
European Directive 2002/96/EC (WEEE) requires that any equipment that bears this
symbol on product or packaging must not be disposed of with unsorted municipal
waste. This symbol indicates that the equipment should be disposed of separately
from regular household waste. It is the consumer’s responsibility to dispose of this
and all equipment so marked through designated collection facilities appointed by
government or local authorities. Following these steps through proper disposal and
recycling will help prevent potential negative consequences to the environment and
human health. For more detailed information about proper disposal, please contact
local authorities, waste disposal services, or the point of purchase for this equipment.
19772 Pauling • Foothill Ranch, CA 92610-2611 USA
TEL: (949) 465-3000 • FAX: (949) 465-3020
© 2007 IMC Networks. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is subject to change without notice. IMC Networks assumes no responsibility for any
errors that may appear in this document. iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II is a trademark of IMC Networks. Other brands or
product names may be trademarks and are the property of their respective companies.
Document Number 56-80868-00 C0
October 2007
If the product’s part number begins with an “8”, it is compliant with the Restriction of Hazardous
Substances (RoHS) directive.
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